February Updates

snapCard product updates and announcements

Company Updates


Hey Everyone!

Hope that everyone had a really romantic month! It’s been a little bit since we’ve updated you all, and we have many things that we’d love to share with you in regards to snapCard. ☺

End of Boost.VC

For the past 3 months, we have been living and working out of Boost’s accelerator program and we have had the opportunity to launch and grow snapCard to where it is today.

At Boost, we worked alongside some of the most talented companies in the Valley and have received advice from prominent investors and renowned digital currency advocates.

Just last Tuesday we had Demo Day — the day where all companies showcase their progress and launch their financing rounds. We’re excited about our traction during the Boost program, and we’re even more excited for the next 18 months. Follow us on AngelList!

So now we’re officially moving up to San Francisco and building out the snapCard team to continue working on the issues around liquidity in the digital currency space.

From the snapCard team, THANK YOU BOOST!

Company Updates

1% for the rest of the month

Last time we spoke, we mentioned that we will be to be launching BillPay within the next couple weeks. Wellll we didn’t

This is still the plan and we’re extremely excited to roll it out. We ran into a few hiccups and it’s taking us a little bit longer — but it’s definitely on the road map. Since we like to keep our word and feel extremely awful about the delays, we’re bringing our 2% transactional fee down to 1% for the rest of the month — the snapCard sorry discount.

There are still a few things we need to tidy up on the backend but we should be having this up and running during the month of March.

We’ll keep everyone posted!

snapCard blaq

As many might already know, in the past we have completed various types of high value Bitcoin-related transactions. We’re really excited about launching snapCard blaq — the best service to help facilitate these bitcoin related transactions valuing over $15,000.

From property to Teslas, from jewelry to company investments, during the past 12 weeks, we have completed over $350K in these types of transactions.

Below are some of the reasons why people have already used snapCard for high value transactions:

  • We offer various payment plans to help average out the fluctuations in the BTC exchange rates
  • Competitive exchange rates
  • Dedicated customer service
  • Next-day payment to the merchant if needed
  • Provide the merchant various payment types
  • Partnered escrow services
  • Offer reduced transaction fees for all purchases over $20,000.

We’re really excited about launching snapCard blaq and we’re happy to help facilitate these types of high-value transactions.

To learn more about snapCard blaq please e-mail blaq@joinsnapcard.com. We’re more than happy to provide you with reviews and testimonials of our happy clients.

Introducing snapCard blaq — exclusive concierge services for high value bitcoin transactions.

Reshipping Services

We’re now at the point of serving over 3,500 users throughout 35+ countries. A major request that we’re constantly hearing is to have the option of reshipping US-based goods to various countries.

Today, we’re officially launching this service to help users outside of the US to purchase items that only ship to the US. Many of you already know that we’re very accommodating when it comes to reshipping from our office in the U.S. to everywhere you are, but we just wanted to make an official announcement that we’re building this out, to streamline the process.

If you find a U.S. merchant who does not ship internationally, or if you do not want to waste money on double or triple taxes when buying products from the U.S., snapCard’s reshipping service is a solution to this problem.

At the moment, to get started, just mention in the “Notes” section of the bookmarklet that you’ll need this package rerouted. We’ll send you an e-mail within the next 15-20 minutes with a quote. On your approval we’ll move the order ahead.

Starting March, we’ll have an automatic shipping calculator where you can estimate the shipping and will eliminate the need for the quoting system.

Let us know your thoughts with this.

We’re still working out the kinks ☺

Launch of our public Bug Bounty Program

We take security very seriously and we believe that it’s the merchant’s responsibility to ensure the safety and protection of all consumer’s information. There is a relationship between a merchant and consumer that’s bound by trust and loyalty. When a customer’s sensitive information is not taken care of diligently, the merchant dishonors that trust.

In the digital currency area, since it is still fairly unregulated, there are major security issues that arise, especially for companies that are dealing with highly sensitive information.

Although we do not store Credit Cards or BTC Wallets on our platform, we still want to take all measures necessary to ensure that we’re meeting our end of our relationship with you.

We are pleased to announce that we’ve launched a public bug bounty program in junction with CrowdCurity. CrowdCurity proves to be an easy to use platform for crowd-sourced security testing of web applications.

We believe that by leveraging the collective intelligence of the crowd, businesses can secure their websites/web applications and create a safer internet for everybody — CrowdCurity works very similar to how Bitcoin works.

After you sign up, you can report bugs here: snapCard Bug Bounty Program

Coming in March…


We know, we know. This is coming!

Since we like to keep our word and feel extremely awful about the delays, we’re bringing our 2% transactional fee down to 1% for the rest of the month — the snapCard sorry discount. See the screenshots of what we’re developing!

We’re super super pumped for this. We’re rolling this out to the United States and then to Canada and the UK.

Updated Bookmarklet

Since launching about 12 weeks ago, our bookmarklet has stayed fairly the same. We’ve learned a tremendous amount about our business and about how you use snapCard.

From automatically bringing in different shipping methods and having the ability to change the shipping/billing information within the page, the snapCard bookmarklet is getting a large refacing.

More Country Support

Canada. Company registration and bank account are ready to go! Just waiting for our cards to arrive to HQ! Shouldn’t be much longer!


Kind Regards,
Yanni from snapCard

PS — we promise that all of the meme advertisements will be halted to even worse meme related advertisements. ☺



Company Updates

Buy anything online using bitcoin. We provide our users a service that lets them shop on all their favorite websites using bitcoin.