The easiest way to track tasks at work — and make things happen

Paolo Perazzo
Building the era of super-humans
3 min readNov 7, 2016


Creating, assigning and labeling a task has always been a tedious and long process.

First, you need to find and launch the task or project management app. Then you have to navigate and click somewhere to create your task. Finally, you are presented with a list of empty text fields to be filled: the task name, the assignee, the project, a checklist with subtasks, the date to start working on it, the due date to finish it, etc. And we all know how painful is just to pick a time and a date from one of those date/time widgets from the 80’s.

No wonder many tasks are just messaged, things are then forgotten, balls are dropped at work.

With Kyber we want to change that. Kyber transforms your message to Mike (“Send presentation by tomorrow at 5 PM”) into a task (“Send presentation”) with a deadline (“Nov 8th 2016, 5:00 PM”), assigned to @mike, all without leaving Slack.

No more fields and unintuitive interfaces. Just write your task, add a time and/or a date, mention a user and you are done.

Kyber will understand you. Things will get done.

Time and date

Kyber is very flexible: you can add to your tasks a date and a time, just a date, or just a time or nothing. As you wish, as you need.

Kyber understands that you can say 10 AM, 10AM, 10 A.M., 10am, or even just 10 and you mean 10:00 AM. Kyber knows that Monday can be entered as Mon, Mon 7, the 7th, November 7, Nov 7th, 11/7, 11/7/2016 or however you write a date, using any combination.

Sometimes you don’t know necessarily the precise time when you will work on a task. It’s normal to say “in the morning”, “at noon”, “in the afternoon”, “in the evening”, “next week”, etc. But don’t worry: Kyber can pick a good time to remind you anyway.

Reminders vs. due dates

Kyber also understands the semantic of your sentence — and acts accordingly. “Send documents on Friday at 5 PM” is different than “Prepare documents by Friday at 5 PM“.

In the first case, you don’t want to see that task in your daily list, but you just want to be reminded at 5 PM on Friday, when it’s time to do it. In the second case, you need to start working on those documents and know that the deadline is for Friday at 5 PM: therefore, Kyber will show the task in your daily plan for you to get started on it and will remind you as well at 5 PM on Friday, to make sure you got it done.

The beautiful part is that you don’t even have to think about it. Kyber will understand you.

Past due

Even if you set a reminder or a due date, you don’t complete the task on time. Kyber will add a “Past due” note to the task and move your task to the top of the list so you can take care of it right away.


Adding an event to your calendar from Slack? It’s as simple as entering “Review documents from 3 PM to 4 PM in Da Vinci Conference room”. And also here you can say it in your way: 3 PM — 4 PM, 3–4 PM, from 3 until 4 PM — Kyber understands you.


Kyber uses context to understand you better, even if you are not specific enough. For example, it’s easy to enter “Meet me at 5” without A.M. or P.M. — we are all in a hurry — and mean 5 PM. Or mean tomorrow at 4 P.M. if you just enter “Send documents at 4 P.M.” and today it’s already 5 P.M.

With Kyber you can now turns all your important messages into tasks. Use Kyber to track everything that needs to get done, from small chores to big projects. Send a kyber, make things happen!

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Originally published at on November 7, 2016.



Paolo Perazzo
Building the era of super-humans

Cross-pollination ignites disruptive innovation. Part of Andiamo founding team, acquired by Cisco. Started SiVola. Building something new at Companyons. For you