My first week as a HR Intern with Compare the Market

Amy Edwards
Compare the Market
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2023

Last week, I joined the team at CompareTheMarket as a HR Intern for 12 weeks and to sum up my first week, I met lots of lovely colleagues, enjoyed some great food in the ‘Grub Hub’ and completed lots of e-Learning! But my personal highlight had to be the Wednesday morning HR stand-up. Feeling part of a whole host of talented people coming together to discuss recent successes, areas for improvement and future goals really brought to life the corporate world for someone who’s never experienced this before.

And the ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ post-it-notes, where colleagues had recognised one another, meant the day was started with a positive atmosphere and fun culture.

As the week went on, I spent time with different colleagues learning about their areas and was really interested to learn more about CSR and all the work that CtM does for the wider community. In particular, it was great to hear about the exciting fundraisers and charity events that have taken place in previous years and it’s great to know that you’re a part of something that gives back.

I’ve also seen the range of roles that are in a HR department and how diverse this is across just one team. Everyone that I spoke to was passionate about their own specific role, which made me excited about finding a role that I could be passionate about too one day. So far, I’ve felt really well-looked after and am so excited to begin working on some projects and learning more as the weeks go on.

On reflection, and knowing what I know now, I’d tell my past self that there was no need to be nervous at the start of the week. Everything was explained really clearly and there are lots of people around to help with anything, and I know they’ll make the whole experience friendly and worthwhile for me.

Just some of our amazing colleagues at Compare the Market

