Love and Hospitableness: Can AI offer those to hospitality consumers?

Who should we express gratitude towards — the datasets and algorithms?

Wangoo Lee
Compass & Pineapple
4 min readApr 23, 2023


“Or, should we recognize the consciousness of AI agency and show appreciation towards robots?”

Feeling loved by our romantic partner.

Love is a complex and often intangible emotion that can be difficult to define. Yet, we can all identify moments when we have felt it.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Perhaps it’s the feeling of joy when a romantic partner cooks a meal for us.

In this scenario, it’s not just the taste of the food that brings us pleasure, but also the knowledge that our partner put time and effort into creating something special for us. It’s always so nice to know that our partner has been thinking about us and putting in the effort to make us delicious dishes.

When our partner cooks for us, we appreciate their genuine desire to please us with their cooking and we can feel the thoughtfulness and care they put into every dish.


This example highlights an important aspect of human experience that is difficult to replicate with technology: the social and relational dimensions of our experiences.

It raises the question of whether technology can truly replace the human touch and the connection that comes with it.

Feeling taken care of… by AI robots?

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

As the world of technology continues to evolve, so does the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the hospitality industry. From robot butlers to AI conversational agents, the idea of personalized and efficient services provided by robots is a concept that is gaining popularity.

However, while these AI-enabled services may resemble human-based services in terms of functionality (and even experiential values), there is one crucial aspect that customers still crave — “hospitableness.”

Hospitableness is the act of genuinely caring for and welcoming others, something that humans have been able to do since time immemorial.

When customers visit a hotel or a restaurant, they expect to be treated with meticulous attention to detail and receive personalized services. But beyond that, what they truly crave is the feeling of being genuinely welcomed and taken care of.

While, in the near future, a humanoid robot may be able to provide 100% accurate human-like services, it may not be able to replicate the hospitable experience that humans can provide.


Customers — and we, human beings — have an innate ability to recognize when they are being cared for by a person or a subject that has a heart or a mind to care for them. This acknowledgment of genuine human interaction is what truly satisfies customers and creates a hospitable experience that they will never forget.

One may argue that robots can be programmed to imitate human emotions and provide a similar hospitable experience. But, the fact remains customers will always recognize that it is the robot’s programmed algorithms that are pleasing them, not a genuine human touch. This creates a disconnect that cannot be bridged by technology alone.

Do AI robots have minds like human beings?

Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash

“Who should we express gratitude towards — the datasets and algorithms that contain our personal information? Or, should we recognize the consciousness of AI agency and show appreciation towards robots?”

The question of whether robots possess consciousness or a mind remains a topic of debate. Despite significant advancements in AI and its capabilities, the concept of consciousness remains a mystery that may be beyond the scope of scientific inquiry.

Ultimately, whether or not robots possess consciousness could be a matter of personal belief or perception due to the metaphysical nature of the matter.

However, as technology continues to transform the hospitality industry and customer interactions, it is crucial to consider and discuss these questions. While AI-enabled services offer numerous advantages, they cannot replace the human touch that customers often crave. The feeling of being genuinely welcomed and taken care of is a fundamental aspect of hospitableness and the hospitality industry that is difficult to replicate with AI technology. Therefore, it’s important to recognize this and strive to strike a balance between technology and genuine human interaction in the hospitality industry.

Closing remark

As we ponder the future of AI, one question looms large: will these robotic agents ever possess truly human-like minds and offer hospitality akin to our own?

The answer remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: continued discussions among philosophers, scientists, engineers, and consumers will be critical in shaping the path forward.



Wangoo Lee
Compass & Pineapple

Behavioral scientist, PhD researcher, theorizing and testing TRAVEL/HOSPITALITY experiences. I blog to bridge the gap between theories and real-world practices.