Morning conflict in your house?

Paula Langguth Ryan
Conflict-Free Zone
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2014


School’s back in session. Everyone’s schedules have to be shifted, re-worked. Some days are smoother than others, right? Other days it’s all you can do to get everyone out the door alive, much less maintain order and joy.

When you’ve got a house full of stressed out people, of varying ages, with different agendas, rushing around to get out the door on time, sooner or later, conflict occurs, right?

What if you could create a conflict free zone in your house? Want me to put that on your wish list? Or just simply make it happen?

What would it take to have enjoyable mornings EVERY day? Let’s breakdown the most common conflict that occurs, with you as the adult in the situation… even if that’s stretching things before your morning coffee….

First, you and everyone else in your house has their own personal agenda. And we each have expectations. You know what you’d like your morning to look like. You have the visual firmly in your mind:

Everyone wakes up cheerful. Everyone stays on task, gets their chores done, gets dressed, eats breakfast together, gathers their belongings, skips out to the car singing “hi, ho, hi, ho, it’s off to work we go…”

Okay, I may be stretching it a wee bit. But you get the picture, right?

Your child has an agenda too. They want to have fun. They want to reconnect. They want time to play, to get back in their body and become fully awake. To make some decisions for themselves. To be…



Paula Langguth Ryan
Conflict-Free Zone

Minister, mediator, mom and more. An irreverent rev with a unconventional worldview: our connections with others make us feel separate, or so says our egos.