Body of light meditation

person sitting on a beach with arms raised at sunset

This is an expansive guided visualisation that can be learnt and practised as a meditation to expand the spiritual connection to the wider universe. You may like to record it on your phone or another device to playback and is authorised by me for your personal use in this way, but not to share without full reference of the original source and a link back to this page.

Please note: as an expansive technique, I do not recommend this visualisation be used by anyone with a history of dissociative disorder, or of psychosis unless under professional supervision and support at all times.

Body of light meditation exercise

To begin — make yourself comfortable, either seated or lying down

Take three, long, slow, deep, breaths — down deep into your abdomen and centre yourself — give yourself permission to let all your tension go each time you exhale.

Now let your breathing return to its natural rhythm.

Imagine a place of stillness and calm within you.

Know that you are in a safe place here today and that at any time you can return your awareness to this place of stillness and peace within.

Now visualise a sphere of vibrant white light above your head. The light is beautiful to look at. Its energy is love and wisdom.

Feel the energy radiating from the light.

When you are ready, visualise this beautiful sphere of light descending through the top of your head — your crown chakra — and slowly moving down to your heart chakra.

Feel the lights vibrant energy filling your heart centre with joy.

In whatever way feels right, picture or imagine any negative feelings you may have either consciously or unconsciously being transformed by this beautiful, vibrant light into love and wisdom.

When you are ready — visualise this light within you expanding to fill your whole body.

Your whole body is being transformed into pure white light.

Feel the energy within you.

If distracting thoughts arise — imagine them dissolving into the light.

When you are ready — imagine your body of light expanding outwards into the room.

Feel your connection with everything in the room.

Now take your awareness even further — expand your body of light out beyond the room, beyond the building, up into the sky, and out into the wider world.

Feel your connection with the natural world around you.

Feel it embrace you without judgment.

You can be who you truly are.

Allow yourself to connect with the feeling of being part of a larger whole.

Now take your body of light out beyond Earth and into the greater universe — go as far as you feel comfortable travelling, knowing you are safe and can return any time you choose.

Open yourself to the energy all around you.

You are one with the universe — filled with peace and joy.

Observe this feeling of peace and joy within you.

Enjoy this moment knowing you are one with the universal energy all around.

When you are ready — slowly and gently bring your body of light back into this world, into the building, the room and back fully into your physical body.

As you return, remember the connection you have shared with the universe, the world and all within it, and know that you can take this feeling of connectedness with you when you return to your daily life.

When you feel ready, allow your body of light to gently and naturally fade — bringing your awareness back to that place of stillness and calm within you — enjoy the experience of peace you find here.

Now bring your focus to your breath, noticing any sounds around you, and feeling your body against the chair, or the floor.

Wriggle your fingers and toes — take a deep breath and if you need to, have a stretch — and when you feel ready, open your eyes, and bring yourself to a seated position if you have been lying down.


First published on Sep 30, 2018



Jo Herbert-Doyle - Curious neurodivergent
Compassionate Panda

GDip Arts Psychotherapy, PGCertHealthSc, BHealthSc. Integrative holistic therapist & wellbeing advocate. Interested in conscious living.