Energetic kinesiology—what’s it all about?

rooftop with dragon feature and tassels

What is energetic kinesiology?

Sometimes called holistic kinesiology, energetic kinesiology is a method you can use to increase self-awareness. It is non-invasive as it simply uses specific, gentle muscular biofeedback techniques to identify patterns of stress in your physical, biochemical, emotional, and/or energetic self — allowing you to become aware of these imbalances.

Once these stressors and energetic blockages (or disharmonies) are identified, a variety of techniques can be used to correct the imbalance. This may include a mind-body technique such as a guided visualisation, or the use of acupressure-point stimulation, light touch on a relevant reflex point or some other remedial technique.

What is this style of kinesiology based upon?

Energetic kinesiology uses the wisdom of traditional Chinese meridian (5 element) and Ayurvedic chakra theories. These traditional medicine systems recognise an energetic aspect of each person and describe how energy (known as Chi, Qi or prana) flows may be disrupted which leads to a state of imbalance within the individual that impacts their wellbeing at some level. This process of detecting and correcting any imbalance is therefore aimed at the underlying energetic nature of our being rather than a method of diagnosing or treating named diseases.

What can kinesiology help with?

This style of kinesiology is used by many people to optimise their potential in any and all aspects of life. As a method of discovery, detecting the flow of energy through these energy channels (meridians or nadis) can be used for ongoing personal or spiritual development or exploring life direction. Increased self-awareness can also help with understanding patterns of behaviour and/or emotions that may or may not be serving you. The free-flow of Qi is also a factor in maintaining general wellbeing. However, when something is amiss, a kinesiology balance may also be helpful to reduce the impact of stress, improve performance at work, or overcome some other obstacle you may have identified.

How does kinesiology work?

Muscle monitoring works by tapping into the interconnection of body and mind which allow access to the subconscious. Thoughts and deep-seated emotions can be bought into more conscious awareness. By exploring these emotions, energetic kinesiology can help you understand where the imbalance/disharmony exists and, therefore, what may be preventing you from achieving your particular goal. From here you can move forward from where you were stuck and out of balance. As such, this style of kinesiology is very much a solution-focussed modality.

In all sessions, the process should be a collaborative one rather than passive, requiring your participation for optimal results and progress.

Be wary of what ‘tests up’ in a kinesiology session

As a tool for personal growth and self-awareness, energetic kinesiology can be very thought-provoking and helpful. However, tales abound of some kinesiologists testing for allergies and nutritional deficiencies that are not quite so convincing. So if a kinesiologist is suggesting a particular nutrient, for example, make sure they are also a degree qualified naturopath or clinical nutritionist who has received training in nutrition and has a solid reason supporting what they are suggesting and not just a ‘muscle test’. Remember, a kinesiologist is not permitted to diagnose any disease or nutritional deficiency and they are not permitted to prescribe herbs or any other medicinal item unless specifically qualified to do so. This is referred to as ‘working within the sphere of their qualification’. (On that note, a minimum of Diploma level is a good idea — check your kinesiologist has had at least two years of training and supervision before receiving their qualification.)

Goal setting is part of the process

Be prepared as an energetic kinesiology balance will involve identifying and setting an appropriate goal for each session, followed by some pre-tests and pre-checks. So give some thought as to what it is you are there for support with. Then, muscle monitoring typically takes place with you lying down (fully clothed) on a massage table for the duration of the balance and for many of the corrections carried out, though some movement of limbs may be required. That said, some styles of kinesiology involve you being seated and that’s fine too. At the end of the session, post-checks are often carried out and ‘homework’ may be required to reinforce the balance — this could be completing a reflective journal.

How a kinesiology session progresses is up to you

At all times, you progress at the rate that your innate wisdom permits using the priority corrections that arise during each session. In some cases, it is only after your balance, and with hindsight, that the full scope of the changes become apparent and you realise how much you have moved forward.

With time, deep awareness can be gained from your experience.

Feature image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Originally published at https://compassionatepanda.com/2013/04/energetic-kinesiology-whats-it-all-about/



Jo Herbert-Doyle - Curious neurodivergent
Compassionate Panda

GDip Arts Psychotherapy, PGCertHealthSc, BHealthSc. Integrative holistic therapist & wellbeing advocate. Interested in conscious living. compassionatepanda.com