Non-Attachment — Just a thought

Sherri Williams MSEd LPC
Compassionate Together
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Thoughts are just that…thoughts, but they sure can cause trouble. Non-attachment to our thoughts provides space to consider whether they are effective…useful…true.

Here’s a poem I wrote about non-attachment to my thoughts.

No sand. No pearl. — stacked as words underneath each other-made of Scrabble tiles
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Advice to Myself

The word origin of advice is

“A way to see.”

A way to see?

My advice?

Loose your mind.

I lost mine in 2018: the Kavanaugh hearings, Me Too Movement, injustices, Tree of Life, insanity, loss — too much, too much for my mind.

So lost.

“Pain, pain, pain” —

all my mind could see.

“I want off this merry-go-round.

I want to end this pain.

I don’t want to die. No.

I don’t want to live.”

Trapped — so trapped.

Tired — so tired.

Tired of living.

“Non-being sounds so lovely” —

the best advice my mind could give.

A wee-small voice whispered,

“Just go…go to the ocean sea….”

Now that was some good advice.

Looking out at the aqua-blue marine ocean of Panama City,

sitting in the light of the sun

in my tie-dye dress all-the-day long,

I began breathing in and out with the tide.

Sixteen days of respite from going

round and round with my mind —

now only in and out —

a change of direction.

In and out.

Just breathe.

Breathe in and out.

I was in my mind and then away from my mind.

Just be. Just breathe.

Rest in being. Rest in Being.

Slowly, Being healed me.

Having lost my mind, I began

To accept my mind loosely.

Holding my mind loose, I no longer need to

Lose my mind.

Photo Credit: Sherri Williams

I hope my Advice to Myself helps you to find your true voice — a voice with some good advice.

A hand holding a card that reads “Let your intuition guide you. You are what you’ve been waiting for.”
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash


Love & blessings,


Non-attachment leads to play! Let’s go!



Sherri Williams MSEd LPC
Compassionate Together

Writer, therapist, coach, & counselor committed to living in her True Self and helping others do the same. Owner of & CompassionateTogether