Why We Became a Segment Partner

CompassRed Data Labs
CompassRed Data Blog
2 min readJan 31, 2019
Source: https://segment.com/product/connections/

CompassRed is a Data Science and Analytics Lab. We bring really hard data problems inside our walls and try to find answers. Our analysts sit right next to our data scientists and we surround them with the most advanced technology to make it all work. While one is asking “What happened?”, the other is asking “What will happen?”.

“Some of the most common questions we receive from our clients are related to understanding customer behavior.”

Some of the most common questions we receive from our clients are related to understanding customer behavior. Questions such as: “what does my typical customer journey look like”, “what channels are best for acquiring new customers”, and “which customers would respond best to this promotion”. Until recently, these questions would require a team of data scientists to answer — and even then, putting insights into action was another hurdle. Thanks to the advancement in customer data technologies over the past few years, marketing teams of all sizes are becoming empowered with the necessary tools to turn customer insights into personalized experiences, targeted promotions, and advanced prediction models. CompassRed has been evaluating these technologies for our clients as they come to market, and we’ve found that Segment offers a robust and easy-to-use solution.

Segment is a “Customer Data Infrastructure”(CDI) — a new type of data store that handles the data integration, governance, and audience management and analysis of customer data. Simply put — it takes all the hard work out of managing the 360 view of your customers. If you’re confused about how all the data you have should fit together — you’re not alone. Segment has quickly grown to be the fastest growing CDI on the market and now the world’s biggest collector of customer data. It’s not a SalesForce, it’s not an ERP — it is the place for you to understand who you serve as a company.

“Working with Segment allows us to make our clients smarter about their customer data, which, in turn, leads to stronger customer relations and growth for their business.”

Working with Segment allows us to make our clients smarter about their customer data, which, in turn, leads to stronger customer relations and growth for their business. We’re very excited to be included on the short list of Segment certified partners and are looking forward to helping marketing teams of all sizes transform their understanding of their customers.

If you would like to hear more about how Segment could help your organization, please drop us a line at info@compassred.com.

