Info graphic Blog Post

Ryan Compeau
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

The infographic that I chose to do was that if I put my phone down and not spend so much time on it, I’ll have time to enjoy the outdoors and beauty that our state has to offer. As you can see from my Excel spreadsheet, my daily and weekly numbers are quite high.

Just how high you ask? Well, I initially thought that my daily numbers were bad, but when I put those numbers into a weekly spreadsheet, I was mind blown. I spent 22 hours on my phone in a week. 22 hours that I could be spending time outside enjoying this nice weather we have before it starts to snow, or maybe cut down the hours and get my homework in time. One thing that I need to also cut down on is the amount of times I pick my phone up. Heck, half the time I pick up my phone and don’t even have a notification or a text message from someone. I just pick it up whenever I am bored and find something to look at on Twitter or something about sports.

One thing that I was surprised about was the amount of sleep I was still able to get even though I spent a lot of time on my phone. 72 hours throughout the week, which is an average of 10 hours which is hard to believe because I feel like I get around 8 hours on a good night of not having homework or watching sports until the late hours of the morning.

Something that I try to do every day is walk about 30 minutes per day to try and stay fit and not gain any more weight than I already have. Yes, I still look “skinny” but I haven’t weighed this much ever. Seeing that I walk about 20% of the day is good for me because more often than not I am in class, doing homework, watching sports, or relaxing.

Something like this is mind blowing because once you see these numbers you try your best to cut down on these things, but at the end of the day we love our phones too much and will remain on them whenever possible. Yes it would be nice to go outside more and not be glued to our phones, and truly enjoy what Michigan and the Great Lakes have to offer us.

Get off your phone, and go outside

