Jason Steffens
Compendium Miscellanea
1 min readSep 25, 2015


Albert Mohler offers suggestions on the reading of books. →

Among them:

“Maintain regular reading projects. I strategize my reading in six main categories: Theology, Biblical Studies, Church Life, History, Cultural Studies, and Literature.”


“Allow yourself some fun reading, and learn how to enjoy reading by reading enjoyable books.”

Read the rest, as it will challenge and encourage you to read more. As Jimmy Reagan notes in his comment on Mohler’s post:

[Reading] is more than a hobby. It is an enrichment of life. It is a lens to make more sense out of life. It is a way to define you and make you a better person.



Jason Steffens
Compendium Miscellanea

Christian, husband, father of 5, homeschooler, attorney, writer