#NeverTrump #NeverHillary #NeverTyranny

Worldview and character matter.

Jason Steffens
Compendium Miscellanea


I will not stand before God, my wife, or my children and say I cast a vote for a person who:

  • supports the taking of the lives of preborn children, including by supporting our nation’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood;
  • disparages women as women who disagree with him/her;
  • serially lies;
  • is serially malleable; and
  • refuses to recognize the limits of the office they seek.

These statements apply equally to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. As bad as Hillary Clinton’s worldview is for this country, Trump’s Mussolini-like “man of action” statements, character flaws, and misogyny are on a whole other plane from any other major party candidate we’ve seen.

In every Trump vs. Hillary discussion, there’s someone who says, “Not voting for Trump is the same as a vote for Hillary Clinton.” On every level — factually, mathematically, electorally, morally — that is a false statement.

Given the choice between two evils, I choose neither, and will not be blamed for either.

I am not voting for Donald Trump, anyone like him, or anyone who supports him or anyone like him.

Update (7/15/2016): Further reading:

Update (7/29/2016): Further reading:

Update (8/5/2016): Further reading:



Jason Steffens
Compendium Miscellanea

Christian, husband, father of 5, homeschooler, attorney, writer