5G Technology: The Untold Fact

Mikael Alvian
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2021

What is interesting about 5G?

The first four generations brought a new level of connectivity, 3G and 4G focused on improving mobile data. Now, the new generation (5G) will use higher-frequency radio waves than its predecessors. 5G enables data transfers almost 20 times faster than 4G. This generation utlizes a millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum for faster data rates. 5G is one of the biggest breakthroughs after the next generation of 4G LTE. The presence of 5G is expected to accelerate Technological developments such as the Internet of Things (IoT). This new generation network is also designed to have an always-on capability and aims to be energy efficient by minimizing how much power uses based on the amount of traffic passing through it.

What is the problem behind 5G technology?

Because 5G technology uses millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum and uses higher frequencies, 5G’s range is smaller than 4G. As a result, more signal amplifiers are needed. Advocates of the environment find this to be harmful to the environment. The signal amplifier requires quite a lot of land in order to work optimally. The size of the signal amplifiers can be made smaller so that it will not take up too much land.

Aside from using quite a lot of land, the presence of many signal amplifiers is said to be very concerning. They are concerned that the signals emitting may cause cancer.

What’s wrong with the signal used by this 5G technology? Keep reading this article until the end!

Radiation vs Radioactivity

First, we must know what is radiation. Radiation is the emission of energy from a source. In fact, heat emanating from our body counts as radiation.

All electromagnetic emission is called radiation. However, not all electromagnetic emissions are radioactive and even most radiation is harmless.

The electromagnetic spectrum shows each type of radiation and how dangerous they are. The far left is the least dangerous and the far right is downright dangerous.

The electromagnetic spectrum is also divided into two types, namely non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation has a lower frequency and a larger wavelength, so it can’t produce enough energy to break the chemical bonds of DNA.

For ionizing radiation, according to a specialist in nuclear medicine, dr. Ryan Yudistiro, Sp.KN M.Kes states, “This is the most dangerous because we don’t know when it can happen. Radiation can damage DNA cells, and genetic mutations can occur. This genetic mutation that we cannot predict when it will appear, one of the consequences of this genetic mutation is that cancer cells appear,” he said firmly.

Radiation used in 5G

Generally, every cell phone must have radiofrequency (RF) radiation. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency responsible for not only food and drug control, but also radiation-emitting devices are speaking out. “RF radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy consisting of waves of electrical and magnetic energy moving together (radiating) through space,” they said. If we saw from the electromagnetic spectrum, this RF radiation is also far enough from radioactive radiation.

Is RF Radiation safe?

RF radiation has only enough energy to move or disrupt the atoms in a molecule, not enough to ionize them. That means RF radiation does not cause cancer by damaging the cell’s DNA. However, there are still ongoing scientific studies on the effects of non-ionizing radiation and the limits of our radiation exposure.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) also have not formally classified RF radiation as cancer-causing. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies RF radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” due to the finding of a possible link in at least one study between cell phone use and a specific type of brain tumor. However, the IARC considers overall evidence “limited.”

So, is 5G mmWave dangerous?

As said earlier, 5G uses higher-frequency radio waves than its predecessors. 5G leverages mmWave spectrum for faster data rates. However, this is precisely what is most people are concerned about.

This kind of concern is nothing new — consumer anxiety about whether radiofrequency radiation might increase the risk of cancer tumors existed long before cell phone towers were even a thing. In response, the FDA said, “We continue to believe that the current safety limits for exposure to mobile phone radiofrequency energy remain acceptable for protecting public health.”

It’s also important to know that most of the frequencies used for 5G have been used in the past for other things, including things like broadcast TV and other data transmissions. Therefore, if 5G is not safe, it means that we have been using unsafe frequencies for decades. Given that no increase in cancer rates has been observed, it is clear that these radio waves have no impact on human health.

If you’re the type to be cautious, it’s always possible to reduce your overall exposure to RF radiation. For example, try sleeping with your phone away from your bed at night. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it will also create a healthy bedtime routine.

Indeed, there are still many doubts among scientists so this problem need further research. However, so far, 5G technology can still be considered safe. At least now if you read/hear any statements that radio waves or millimeter waves, have a negative impact on overall health, you know that this is proven to be incorrect.

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