AR and VR: Giving a New Atmosphere during the Pandemic

Mutiara Azzahra
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2021
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The COVID-19 pandemic is currently the most pressing problem in the world. Amid an unrelenting pandemic, all outdoor activities have become more restricted. COVID-19 encourages us to minimize physical social interactions which also means opening opportunities for technological developments to fill the void. The existence of this pandemic has made Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technology even more important to overcome various challenges caused by this virus.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), as two new technologies, have been used in many fields for disaster emergency management. AR and VR also allow us to feel closer to each other without worrying about social distancing. Therefore, many companies and researchers are developing these two technologies to make it easier for us to do activities in a limited scope.

What is AR and VR?

In general, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are technologies that aim to stimulate the perception and senses of the user. Users can feel they are in an “other world” and interact in it. However, the two are different in several ways.

Augmented Reality is a digital technology where the real world and the virtual world are combined in two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms that are projected in a real environment at the same time. This technology can be found in the Pokémon Go game application. The game presents digital Pokémon that are present all around us. In addition, Augmented Reality can also be found in filters on Instagram Stories or Snapchat. In the story feature, we can take selfies with various filters without changing our faces in the real world.

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If Augmented Reality only adds the real world with digital elements, it is different from Virtual Reality. VR technology has completely replaced the real world replace a new virtual world. In other words, VR describes a computer-generated three-dimensional environment that a person can explore and interact with. The virtual world can be explored with human senses such as hearing, touch, sight, and others. To enjoy it, we need some devices such as a VR headset, gloves, and an omni-directional treadmill.

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The Role of AR and VR

During this pandemic, AR and VR technology have become solutions in various fields. VR technology has been used to prevent or respond to infections, telecommunications, and drug discovery during this pandemic. In addition, AR technology has also been used in various fields such as health, marketing, universities, and schools. However, VR has been used more often than AR in disaster emergency management.

The potential application of these two technologies for COVID-19 can be categorized into four groups, namely:

1. Entertainment

2. Health

3. Business

4. Education

The Role of AR and VR: Entertainment

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AR and VR can overcome the destructive effects of quarantine conditions by offering a variety of real-world simulation games, or in other words creating a sense of presence in the real world. This technology is very synonymous with the gaming industry, it is the first thing that many people think of when they hear it. So, it is not surprising that its development from year to year is increasingly being enjoyed by many people.

In addition, using AR/VR can keep us connected to each other. By utilizing video calling applications, we can still share experiences and stay in touch. In addition to these applications, there are also real-world simulations to make each individual feel like they are with friends or family in the same place.

The Role of AR and VR: Health

AR and VR also bring good opportunities in the health sector. With its three-dimensional facilities, patients, prospective doctors, as well as doctors, are given convenience in consultation, training, and providing information services related to a disease. Regarding consultation, doctors can brief patients on good care directly without meeting face to face. One example is Telehealth.

Telehealth is defined as the use of information and communication technology for people or communities who have difficulty accessing their health care providers. The advantages of Telehealth users include an increase in attendance for virtual appointments compared to in-person clinic-based appointments. Telehealth can also overcome obstacles in treating a disease such as distance, time, and cost.

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In the pharmaceutical field, AR and VR capabilities can help deliver interactive drug design and interactive molecules. For example, Reality Convert in the form of AR and VR was developed to convert molecular structures into 3D models that are useful in the fields of bioinformatics and cheminformatics.

The Role of AR and VR: Business

Business can be said to be the sector that has benefited the most from the development of AR and VR, especially in online business. The technology allows consumers to try virtually before buying a product.

In the property business, this technology makes it easy for consumers to see the desired property even though it is hindered by the pandemic and other activities. In other words, this technology makes it easy for sellers and attracts buyers because they can directly feel the sensation of the property to be purchased and can be done anywhere and anytime. This technology can also maximize business presentations so that presentations become more attractive and interactive.

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The Role of AR and VR: Education

In the field of education, AR and VR can be an alternative learning media in schools so as to increase online teaching and learning activities. One example of its application is as an Android-based interactive learning tool for elementary school students to convey material about the solar system that is displayed in three dimensions.

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These two technologies can also be used to organize online practicum activities. These practical activities can be carried out using practical simulations via telehealth. In addition, the use of phantom media (mannequins) can also be a clinical learning solution.

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Two Indonesian lecturers in the US also recently set up a virtual dentist clinic. The clinic can be used by students to simulate dental implants, even if they are studying remotely.

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It can be concluded that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology can be a solution in various fields, especially during a global pandemic such as COVID-19. So, are you interested in using AR and VR?

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