Data Science Academy Camp 3: The Journey of Data Storytelling

Salma Hanifah
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2023

COMPFEST 15, Depok — In this year, the Data Science Academy (DSA) once again participated in the series of events at COMPFEST 15. DSA brought several experienced speakers and mentors in the field of data science, along with the arrangement of challenging and engaging final projects for the participants. On August 21, 2023, the DSA Camp 3 event series began through the Zoom platform. The event commenced with an MC opening and proceeded with an ice-breaking session through a guessing game.

Third Week Agenda

On the first day of DSA Camp 3, speaker Lis Wahyuni was present. She is currently working as a business intelligence engineer at Sinarmas Sekuritas. Lis presented the topic titled “Advanced EDA with Tableau”. The material started by discussing comparisons regarding data transformation, data visualization, and data sharing on Tableau and Power BI. Lis also discussed data relations, data unions, data blends, and data unions. Beyond explaining the material, Lis also elaborated on several features available in Tableau and their functions in data processing.

During the material presentation session, Lis also explained about data calculations. According to her, calculations can be performed under certain conditions, such as when there’s missing data to be analyzed in the data source, when transforming values in visualization, and when categorizing data. Various conditions can be supported by features available in Tableau, making data calculations easier. At the end, Lis also provided best practice tips for data calculations, including:

  1. Converting multiple equality comparisons into a case expression.
  2. Converting multiple string calculations into REGEXP expressions.
  3. String manipulation with REGEXP.
  4. Avoiding the use of sets in calculations.

After the material presentation session, SEA participants were given the opportunity to ask Lis questions about the explained material. Lis responded promptly to each question and also provided tips and information that participants might need. The excitement of the first session didn’t end there; Lis continued the material presentation with a hands-on method, allowing participants to gain a clearer understanding of how Tableau is used, from creating dashboards to implementing other features or menus. Learning by directly observing the practical use of Tableau must have been really exciting! It’s hoped that participants will gain a deeper understanding through this.

The material presentation continued on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, in DSA Camp 3. Just like the previous day, the event started with an MC opening and continued with a guessing game. DSA participants were enthusiastic and eager to answer questions during the ice-breaking session.

The presented topic was “Data Storytelling,” explained by Aqsath, the CEO of NoLimit Indonesia. Aqsath began the material by posing a question about the importance of data storytelling. One of the participants, Khairil from the INFINITY team, answered that data storytelling is used to convey the results of data analysis to an audience so that the data analysis is not only understood by ourselves. Aqsath provided a more detailed explanation that well-presented data visualization becomes valuable information.

Various aspects were covered in the data storytelling material, such as the data storytelling continuum, decision-making systems, and much more. Aqsath explained that there are six important elements in a data story: data foundation, main point, explanatory focus, linear sequence, dramatic elements, and visual anchors. Not only that, Aqsath also mentioned that a data storyteller has several responsibilities, including presenting data with the right key insights, creating engaging visuals, assembling data into an easily understandable story, and of course, understanding the audience.

After the material presentation session, the DSA Camp 3 event series continued with a Q&A session where participants could ask questions to the speakers. Participants were very enthusiastic about asking questions related to the explained material. There were some interesting answers from Aqsath, one of which was a key point to apply in data storytelling even for introverted individuals: understand insights, understand the audience, and avoid overthinking. The excitement of the Q&A session concluded with a mini quiz attended by participants, with the hope that they would remember and understand the newly explained materials. It sounds like a lot of fun!

Final Project Session

The last day of the DSA Camp 3 event series was filled with final project presentations from each team participating in the Data Science Academy. There were 10 teams presenting various topics. Each team was given 30 minutes, including a 15-minute presentation session and a 15-minute Q&A session from the panelists. Two data science experts, Afif Akbar and Harimurti Prasetio, served as panelists to evaluate the final project outcomes of each team.

Interview Session

After the DSA event series concluded on the third day, I had the opportunity to conduct an interview session with Team Anemon, participants from DSA consisting of Aulia, Nabila, and Amanda. They were one of the DSA teams actively involved in various events of DSA COMPFEST 15. For their final project, they presented a topic titled “Optimal Specification of Electric Vehicle,” discussing the optimization of attribute features of EVs to find the most suitable features for the current market needs.

The three members of Team Anemon shared that the Data Science Academy COMPFEST was their first camp experience. While participating in DSA, they not only learned from the material provided during the material presentation sessions, but they also had to explore additional resources to grasp the new or less familiar materials and knowledge used in completing the final project. Not only that, they learned to work as a team. One method Team Anemon applied was dividing tasks to complete the final project. Hopefully, through this DSA event, you all have gained valuable lessons for the future.

The COMPFEST 15 Academy event will continue for the upcoming weeks. Don’t forget to visit our social media accounts, @compfest, on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and our website,, to get the latest COMPFEST updates. Read articles about the excitement of other Academy events through our Medium page. (Editorial Marketing/Salma).

