Graduation Night: A Spectacular End to the Journey

Tsabita Sarah
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2022

Read in Bahasa

COMPFEST 14, Jakarta — Graduation Night was held offline at the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Building on September 17th, 2022. Graduation Night is the closing event for COMPFEST 14 Academy, where participants from all four Academy fields gather. Graduation Night is an event that aims to network and hone the soft skills of Academy participants.

The event started with the opening by the two MCs, Rayhan Denel and M. Raffi. Then, it was continued with remarks from Setasena Randata as Project Officer of COMPFEST 14 and Fasya Prandari as Manager of Academy COMPFEST 14. After that, statements were made by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Dody Widodo and the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. The opening ended with remarks from the Deputy Chairperson of BEM Fasilkom UI, Riswanda.


Graduation Night continued with a talkshow with the theme “Attracting Talents in the Tech Industry”. The talkshow was hosted by Shafa Najwa as moderator and hosted by Trisnia Anchali Kardia as VP, Head of Business at graas, which is a technology solution provider with predictive artificial intelligence (AI) that can increase e-commerce business growth.

The talkshow started with a discussion about how to build a career in technology. Anchali talked about the criteria recruiters are looking for from fresh graduates applying for jobs. She said that the requirements for a recruiter could vary according to the needs. But, for fresh graduates who generally do not have work experience, recruiters will look at ventures outside of college activities. Such as experience working on projects, organizations, and internships that are relevant to the position applied for. In addition, Anchali also said that in the digital era, which is very advanced now, internships could be more easily searched through various social media platforms.

Furthermore, the discussion is getting more exciting with a discussion about the difference between a corporate and a startup. Anchali said that the difference lies in the existing culture and structure. In general, corporate has a bureaucracy, and everything is more well-planned. In contrast, startups do not have bureaucracy, and all work is done quickly. Anchali also shared tips on how to adapt to a professional environment. The talkshow ended with a Q&A session which the participants enthusiastically welcomed.

Case Study

Graduation Night was even more exciting with case study discussions with experienced mentors, namely Mochamad Aulia Akbar Praditomo as Product Manager at Pinhome, Lalitya Putri Gitaanjali as Associate Product Manager at Pinhome, and Claresta Vega Audrey as Associate Product Manager at Pinhome.

In this discussion, eight groups were formed consisting of participants from each branch of the Academy: Software Engineering Academy, Data Science Academy, User Experience Academy, and Startup Academy. The case study discussion was conducted for 90 minutes and was followed by each group’s presentation of the results of the Case Study discussion. Each team was given feedback by the present judges, namely Matthew Tanudjaja as Associate Vice President of Technology at ASTRO, Alya Isti Safira as Senior UX Researcher at Bareksa, Cheryl Pangestu as Vice President of Products at Deall Jobs, and Annisa Aurelia Mufid as Data Lead at Telkom Indonesia. At the end of the event, it was announced that the winner of Best Case Study was group D, which received prizes in the form of a keyboard and mouse set.


Then came the session that the Academy participants had been waiting for, the Awarding session. The awards for Best Team and Best Participant from each Academy field were given in the Awarding session. Starting from User Experience Academy where the title of Best Team was won by group D and the title of Best Participant was won by Sultan Fahrezy Syahdwinata Nugraha. Furthermore, from Startup Academy where the Sporteev group won the title of Best Team. Followed by Software Engineering Academy where the title of Best Team was won by the Perwibuan group and the title of Best Participant was won by Fatih Nararya Rashadyfa Ilhamsyah. Lastly, from Data Science Academy, the Best Team title was won by the Afkar Pirates group and the Best Participant title was won by Jechonias Axel Putra.

Interview Session — Anchali Kardia & Pirates Afkar

We also had the opportunity to interview Anchali Kardia as VP, Head of Business, and Best Team of Data Science Academy, Pirates Afkar group. Anchali shared her experiences during his career in technology, ranging from memorable things to the challenges he faced. Anchali also talked about the skills that must be owned by someone who wants to enter the world of the digital technology industry, such as hard skills that must be continuously honed. This can be done by creating projects, training teamwork, building startups, and many other things for knowledge. Anchali said that currently, the opportunity to enter the world of the digital technology industry is getting wider with many platforms that are useful in terms of recruitment.

When asked about their impressions, Pirates Afkar, which consisted of Daffa Febryananta Arifinsyah, Muhammad Rakha Wiratama, and Farrel Farandieka Fibriyanto, said that Academy and Graduation Night as a whole were very enjoyable because they could meet participants from every field of Academy and get a lot of new lessons. They said, Academy and Graduation Night to be a memorable and unforgettable experience.

Stay up-to-date on all the upcoming COMPFEST events by following us through our social media at COMPFEST on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and our site at Read the complete articles on our Medium page for more about Academy. (Editorial Marketing/Tsabita)

