Mikael Alvian
Published in
6 min readJun 2, 2021


COMPFEST 13, Depok — Grand Launching kicked off on Saturday, May 29, 2021. The Grand Launching was held entirely online through Zoom. On this occasion, COMPFEST also held the Mini-Playground Challenge which was held on COMPFEST’s website and also held its first online seminar. The event was firstly opened by the MCs, namely Venska Aurell D. and M. Arieksha Aliadarma.

Before the seminar, there were a few words delivered by COMPFEST 13’s Project Officer a speech from Raja Aldwyn J. N. S. The event was then continued by the Head of BEM of the Faculty of Computer Science 2021, Muhammad Azis Husein who also delivered words of inspiration. It was then shortly followed by remarks from the Head of Iluni Fasilkom UI, Prihandoko, PhD. Finally, remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UI, Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. With their warm welcomes, the COMPFEST Grand Launching event has officially begun!

After the speech, the event was continued with a seminar session with the topic “A Year Since Pandemic: How IT Businesses Manage To Adapt”. Want to know what kind of excitement happened at the seminar? Read this article to find out more!

Seminar Session

This speaker for this year’s seminar is the Co-Founder also CTO of, Luqman Sungkar. This seminar was also moderated by Fathia Prinastiti Sunarso, S.Kom., M.Sc.

Luqman began by introducing o all the participants about “Flip is an application to assist interbank transfers. Flip was here because at first I saw a problem during college, especially when I wanted a small transfer nominal, but there was an admin fee which was quite annoying,” he stated.

The context of seminar was continued into how survived the pandemic. “What were the challenges that emerged when this pandemic started and what were you doing as the Co-Founder at that time?” asked Fathia to Luqman.

“At that time, what I prioritized was the safety of my employees. Not long after this pandemic existed, we immediately created a policy that allowed employees to work at home. However, it is not straightforward to work at home all because there are indeed some roles that are very difficult to adapt to, such as operational,” said Luqman, “As for challenges, in my opinion, the first might be communication. With these conditions (work from home), we can’t demand immediate answers when we ask for help, etc. Well, many things have changed since the pandemic, including our culture, which has also been forced to change.”

Luqman also emphasized that employees are a valuable asset for No matter what, will help its employees stay comfortable while working at home. Luqman understands that not all employees’ homes are designed to work at home. “For example, maybe someone doesn’t have a work desk. will send the workbench plus some other equipments that its employees may need, “he said, “Flip is not only trying to understand its customers, Flip also tries to understand the needs of its employees as well.”

QNA Session

This exciting seminar session was followed by a question and answer session. Many of the seminar participants were enthusiastic to ask the CTO and Co-Founder The question and answer session began with an interesting question from one of the participants, the first participant asked about how to build customer’s trust when starting a business and how to attract investors.

Luqman answered, “It’s actually quite simple, we start from the people closest to us. We only used the Google Form media at that time, there was no coding at all. We only made a product (service) and tried to throw it into the market, then see how it responds. After that, we are tried to maintain the trust of our customers. Later on, customers will tell their own friends so that we let Flip spread by itself. As for investors, for most investors today won’t be quite interested if we just give a concept or an idea. They need proof, proof that our business will progress. Prove to them that many of our products are in need.”

The next question was about how to form a solid team when starting and running a business. “At first, was only three of us (me and two of my friends). When was continuously developing, we also invited one or two people, we first equated the culture. Then we invited a few more people, then we equated the culture again. And just like that, we could build a solid team. Why did we have only hire a few people? “Because if there are a lot of people directly, it will be difficult for us to synchronize the culture. So now everyone seems to be just friends,” said Luqman.


The COMPFEST Grand Launching seminar has reached the end of the event! Luqman gave a message to people who might be interested in building a startup or maybe are currently building a startup, namely in this pandemic situation.

“If we want to start a business or set up a company, the keyword is start. Most people overthink at the beginning, Look, no business gets big right away. Everything has a process. Especially in a pandemic like this, we must be able to see from a different point of view, change our mindset. Don’t see this pandemic as a crisis, but look at this pandemic as an opportunity. We know that since the pandemic, people’s habits have changed, a new culture has been formed. Well, we can use that. For example, in the past, maybe people thought apps for online meetings were less useful. People think It’s better for meetings to meet in person at the office. However, take a look now, apps for online meetings have so many users. Last, but not least, maybe your business is stuck right now, then try to innovate, ideas can come from anywhere, don’t give up yet, “said Luqman to all the seminar participants.

The seminar session ended and the event was closed with a photo session with all participants. This group photo session marked the end of a lively seminar series attended by approximately 150 participants.

Interview Session

At the end of the program, we had the opportunity to interview CTO also Co-Founder in person.

On this occasion, we discussed many things with him. How did start, then how he got up when he was in a falling position, Luqman also shared how he raised capital and investors.

One thing that interested us is how he started Luqman never thought too much about risk, “What I need to do, I’ll do it. When there is a new problem, just solve the problem. Just by that, slowly we develop on our own. For example, by achieving A I have to finish B, it’s simple, I will finish B first, then continue finishing A. The point is, just start, “said Luqman.

It was an honor for us to be able to interview CTO also Co-Founder Thank you to Luqman for taking the time. Success for!

Thanks to TechnoFolks who have participated in the series of COMPFEST 13 Grand Launching events. Follow us on Instagram @compfest, Twitter @compfest, and our site for another exciting event!

(Editorial Marketing/Mikael)

