Software Engineering Academy Camp 3: Implementation of Career Related Skills

Muhammad Hilal Darul Fauzan
Published in
6 min readNov 5, 2023

COMPFEST 15, Depok — Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 took place over three days, from Friday, August 25, 2023, to Sunday, August 27, 2023. The event, which was the final camp of the Software Engineering Academy, was conducted online through the Zoom platform. This event was enthusiastically attended by the top 20 individuals, divided into 5 groups, who had undergone a selection process by the COMPFEST 15 committee. Curious about the activities at the Software Engineering Academy Camp 3? Let’s dive into this article!

DAY 1 — Introduction to Open Source

The first day of Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 began with a presentation and discussion on Introduction to Open Source by Zain Fathoni, a Senior Software Engineer at Ninja Van. Before diving into the main content, Zain introduced himself and explained his career journey to becoming a Senior Software Engineer. Zain emphasized that exploring technology and pursuing a successful career require the ability to choose, try, and continuously learn.

Zain then shared his experience in contributing to Open Source. He also explained some of the contributions he had worked on, including KawalCOVID19 and Kelas Rumah Berbagi. In contributing to Open Source, a good understanding of Git is essential. According to Zain, “Learn in Public” is an effective learning principle for a deeper understanding of Open Source. Zain also added that effective communication is necessary to create collaboration and teamwork in Open Source contributions.

Moving on to the hands-on session, Zain introduced a website project called “Senarai,” which can be used by parents as a learning tool for their children. Initially, the project used a Google Sheet database with data coming from a Google Form input. Zain then contributed by creating a version where the form is integrated within the website itself. For about 20 minutes, the participants attentively followed the steps demonstrated by Zain.

After the hands-on session concluded, the first day of Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 ended with a Q&A session with the participants. In this session, the participants showed enthusiasm for gaining a deeper understanding of Open Source. One interesting question that Zain answered in detail was about the Open Source Project system.

DAY 2 — Mock Interview

The second day of Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 consisted of mock interviews conducted by all participant groups. Each group was placed in a breakout room and given the opportunity to ask questions to experienced mentors in the field of Software Engineering. This activity was designed to help participant groups dig deeper into the information needed for their projects.

Participants from all groups attended the mock interview sessions with great enthusiasm. This enthusiasm led to insightful questions from the participants, maximizing the benefits of the mock interview sessions. The second day of Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 appeared to be a highly valuable and motivating experience for the participants. Various questions were posed by the participants and systematically answered by the mentors.

DAY 3 — Final Project Presentations

The last day of Camp 3 of the Software Engineering Academy was filled with presentations from various participant groups who had completed their final projects during the duration of the Software Engineering Academy. The presentations were evaluated by Nabila Rahmani Zhafira, the Engineering Manager at Tokopedia, Abdul Raziq Andri, the Lead Software Engineer at Bukalapak, and Ichlasul Affan, a Lecturer at Fasilkom UI. The final project presentations lasted for 1 hour, with a 40-minute presentation session followed by a 20-minute Q&A session with the panel of judges.

The first group to present was the Barudak Well group. This group consisted of Ariq Hikari, Yahya Alfon, Neo Cicero, and M. Emirsyah. After introducing the group members, Yahya Alfon explained the tools, timeline, and project development progress. The presentation then continued with explanations about the back-end, front-end, and a demo of the project. After completing the presentation session, the Barudak Well group entered the Q&A session with the judges.

The next final project presentation was done by the Kambing Hitam group, consisting of Apriana, Farhan Fahrezy, Lutfian Hardiansyah, and Rizal. Kak Apriana began the presentation by introducing the group members and continued by explaining the tools, timeline, project development flow, and interface design. The user interface part of the project presentation was then continued by Fahrezy. Subsequently, the Kambing Hitam group explained the back-end and front-end aspects used, followed by a demo of the completed project. After the presentation was concluded, the Kambing Hitam group engaged in a Q&A session with the judges.

The third group to present was the Tim group. Dewantoro Triatmojo, a member of the Tim group, initiated the presentation by introducing the group members: Austin Gabriel Pardosi, Naufal Romero Putra, Henry Salim, and himself, Dewantoro Triatmojo. The presentation continued with detailed explanations of the project’s description and the technologies used in its development, including front-end, back-end, and database aspects. Of course, the Tim group also conducted a demonstration of the completed project. Just like after the previous presentations, the judges provided feedback and posed questions regarding the presented project. With the Q&A session for the Tim group concluded, there was a short break before proceeding to the next group’s presentation.

After the break, the presentation continued with the M2 group, consisting of Tengku Muhammad Rafi R, Reynold Putra Merdeka, Dafian Zaki Akhdan, and Fachry Anwar. Tengku Rafi kicked off the presentation by explaining the timeline, methodology, project development process, and tools used in the development process. The presentation then proceeded with explanations about the back-end, front-end, and a demo of the project. After the project presentation session ended, the M2 group engaged in a Q&A session with the judging panel.

Lastly, the final project presentation was carried out by the ML group, which started with introductions of the group members: Moh Fairuz Alauddin Yahya, Fajar Wahyu Gumelar, Andyana Lilmuttaqina Mafaza, and Muhammad Rizqi Multazam. The presentation continued with a detailed explanation of the project completed by the ML group, including UI/UX, front-end, and back-end aspects used. Once the presentation concluded, the judges provided their feedback and appreciation for the presented project.

With the completion of the presentation sessions from all participant groups, the activities of Software Engineering Academy Camp 3 for COMPFEST 15 came to an end. The final day’s activities were concluded with feedback from the judges about the overall Software Engineering Academy COMPFEST 15 event and a documentation session.

Thus, the series of events for the Software Engineering Academy Camp at COMPFEST 15 came to a close. Congratulations to all participants who successfully completed the entire sequence of activities for the Software Engineering Academy Camp COMPFEST 15!

Although the Software Engineering Academy Camp event has come to an end, there are still plenty of exciting things happening at COMPFEST 15. Stay tuned for updates about COMPFEST through our social media channels on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, as well as our website at, and follow other interesting activities on our Medium page! Don’t miss out! (Editorial Marketing/Hilal)

