UX Academy COMPFEST 13 Camp 3: Start and Build Up Your Design

Mutiara Azzahra
Published in
7 min readOct 31, 2021

COMPFEST 13, Jakarta — User Experience Academy Camp 3 was held from Saturday, September 4, 2021, to Sunday, September 5, 2021. This camp was held online via Zoom platform. Camp 3 was attended by 5 of the best previously selected teams as well as very inspiring mentors and speakers. Want to know about Camp 3 UX Academy? let’s take a look at the following article!

Day 1 — Career in UX

As an opening, the first day began with sharing the experiences of participants at the previous camp. Then, the event continued with an explanation of testing and validation and was brought by Yoga Tri Nugroho as a Senior UX Designer at Tokopedia. The explanation of the material begins with the introduction of Yoga about his work experience in the field of User Experience. Prior to his career as a UX Designer at Tokopedia, Yoga was a UX Researcher at the same company.

Picture 1. Yoga Tri Nugroho’s Presentation

Then, Yoga discusses the basics or the basis of validation. Yoga explained one method of product validation, which is Usability Testing which is related to user expectations on the product. The method considers the product in terms of usability, efficiency, user satisfaction, accessibility, and learnability. Yoga also said that generally validation is done at the beginning and end of the manufacture of a product. The material session ended with a QnA session between participants and speakers.

At the end of his presentation, Yoga shared his experience during his studies that he was not very interested in coding, but rather studied psychology. This made him interested in creating a thesis with the theme of UX Research. According to him, the thesis or portfolio he created was helpful in applying for the UX field at Tokopedia.

Next, the camp continued with a case study session with 5 competent mentors. The participants were directed to 5 different breakout rooms with their respective teams to then study with the appointed mentor.

Picture 2. Introduction of Mentors

The camp continued with a talk show session. This talk show session is not only held on the Zoom platform but is also broadcast live via COMPFEST YouTube. The talk show session was held with Aulia Agung Maulana as Senior Product Designer at Gojek with the material “Starting Your Career in UX”.

Picture 3. Talkshow Session with Aulia Agung Maulana

In her introduction, Aulia Agung Maulana or commonly called Aul started his career in the field of UX Researcher starting from an internship at iGrow then worked at Bukalapak before finally moving to Gojek to become a Product Designer.

Although working in the design field, Aul never attended art or design school to hone his skills. He studied design independently with 90% of his material from books and the internet. According to him, everyone can become a UX Designer regardless of their educational background as long as they want to learn.

Therefore, Aul tries to share tips on becoming a UX Designer. First, to become a UX Designer, we must know UX itself. It turns out that UX is not just a display, but UX is seen from the end-to-end user experience. Second, we also need to understand the fundamentals of UX that can be obtained from reading various resources or trying various applications. Aul suggests taking the UX Course which is widely available on Google such as Coursera or Udacity. Third, we need to master the design process. “The purpose of this design process is how we validate the solution based on what the user needs and wants,” said Aul. Fourth, know the roles or job descriptions in UX such as UX Designer, UX Engineer, Product Designer, and so on so that we know the skill qualifications needed in the desired UX field. Lastly is practice. Aul emphasized that taking an online course alone is not enough to develop one’s skills.

Next, Aul shared his experience as a UX Designer at Gojek. During her time as a UX Designer, Aul worked closely with several other fields as a user-focused team. The team will later discuss the product roadmap to achieve the goal of a product and then conduct a case study.

Before the question and answer session with the participants, Aul advised, “Whatever your UX career choice, the most important thing is to just do it!”

Picture 4. QnA Session with Participants

Day 2 — Build Your Portfolio

The second day of camp 3 UX Academy, opened with an assessment or feedback session regarding the redesign of features or services on tiket.com that had been made by each team together with three judges. First, there was one-way feedback before each team started the presentation together with Yoel Sumitro as Senior Vice President of Product from tiket.com.

Picture 5. Feedback Session with Yoel Sumitro

Yoel first gave his assessment based on the PowerPoint they had collected earlier. The feedback was given by looking at the design in general and specifically for each participating team.

Then it was followed by a presentation for approximately 20 minutes by each team with the aim of clarifying the points written in PowerPoint and will be commented on by two other judges, Rizka Febrian as aProduct Design Lead II from tiket.com and Steven Kurniadi as Senior Product Designer from tiket.com too. The presentation began with group A with projects related to train ticket services on tiket.com.

Picture 6. Group A Presentation

The presentation continued with group B with projects related to the ToDo feature on tiket.com.

Picture 7. Group B Presentation

Furthermore, in third place, there is group E with projects related to car rental services on tiket.com.

Picture 8. Group E Presentation

Then in fourth place, there is group C with projects related to hotel services on tiket.com.

Picture 9. Group C Presentation

Finally, there is group D with projects related to airline ticketing services on tiket.com.

Picture 10. Group D Presentation

Before closing the presentation session, Steven advised,

“Be more courageous to build your own framework.”

After the feedback or assessment session by the judges, the camp continued to the next event, which wasa talk show together with Hana Clarinda as Product Designer from Gojek with the material “Level-Up Your UI/UX Skill & Portfolio”. Just like the previous day, this talk show was not only held via the Zoom platform but also broadcast live via YouTube COMPFEST.

Picture 11. Talk Show Session with Hana Clarinda

Hana Clarinda or who is familiarly called Hana is an architectural engineering graduate who later chose a career in the UI/UX field. Hana explained that a portfolio is a very important thing for designers. A unique and attractive portfolio design can increase our chances of being selected by the targeted company. In addition, we need to understand the design story or the story behind the designs we make.

Then, Hana also explained that the portfolio that has been created can be published through several media options, such as Web-Based Portfolio, digital PDF, and physical portfolio. However, she didn’t recommend the physical portfolio medium because according to her, the UI/UX field is more suitable for using digital publications.

Lastly, Hana shared the hiring process of several companies based on her own experience. According to her, the hiring process for the UI/UX Designer field on average is quite long, and based on her experience, the hiring process for both internal and full-time is relatively the same. At the end of the talk show session, there was a QnA session with the audience.

Picture 12. QnA Session with Audience

After the camp 3 event was over, we had the opportunity to interview Hana. In the interview session, Hana shared that apart from working as a Product Designer at Gojek, she also became a UI/UX tutor on two online learning platforms and volunteered for a platform as a Product Manager. According to Hana, as a Product Designer, the opportunity to learn and develop is very big because a Product Designer gets the opportunity to work with people who are far from us and the scope of the industry or UI/UX company is very wide. While the challenge of a Product Designer is how to meet the expectations of users. That’s why Hana and the team try to understand and prioritize the users who use their products.

Picture 13. Interview with Hana Clarinda

Then, it turns out that Hana has never been to her office during this pandemic. She and her team collaborate online and maintain communication between members so that their products can still be launched. Hana herself has known about this COMPFEST event since she was in college. According to her, COMPFEST is a very insightful event with various competent mentors and speakers. In addition, according to her, COMPFEST Academy is also a good opportunity to develop skills and build good teamwork.

There’s still more fun at COMPFEST! Stay tuned for further information about COMPFEST via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn COMPFEST social media accounts (Editorial Marketing/Tyas)

