CF Staff Writes Episode 7

Randy Opoku Barimah
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2021

Written by Woena Agordah

For most careers, passion and dedication are all that is required to excel. Not for graphic designing, in this artistic area, you require an additional quality to be excellent at it — talent.

READ ALSO: Cf Staff Writes Episode 6

What then is graphic design? Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience.

Robert Grayson, Graphic Designer at Complete Farmer

In this Episode of CFstaffwrites, we interacted with Robert, A graphic designer at Complete Farmer, about his life, work and how he combines them all to fit the Complete Farmer culture. Below are some of his responses:

When did you start working with Complete Farmer?

March, 2021

What do you like most about working at Complete Farmer so far?

An Enabling environment

and, a sense of belonging

Can you tell me an interesting fact about yourself?

If I could keep any animal as a pet, I would choose Maltese.

If you were attending a cocktail dinner how would you explain your role at Complete Farmer?

Creating works that convey the company’s brand vision and providing solutions design problems.

What inspired you to become a graphic designer?

I love the job.

What has been one major accomplishment for you as a graphic designer?

Working hand in hand with the Ted talk team by consistently delivering innovative design solutions in a fast-paced environment with minimal revisions. This whole experience showed me that prioritizing my time and staying focused on my goals was the key to success. In a way, the experience made me a better leader, as well.

Of all the designing projects you’ve worked on at Complete Farmer, which has been your favourite and why?

Illustrations: It gives that freedom to explore.

What’s a typical day in the life of a graphic designer at Complete Farmer like?

A typical day in my life at Complete Farmer involves Creating visual concepts using computer software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers.

What do you do at your leisure or when you’re not working?


In your opinion, what do you think is the link or connection between agriculture and graphic design?

According to world statistical organizations, the global population will triple by 2050, and we will need to feed all of these mouths. My role as a designer aids in the capture of content in an engaging manner that retains users and converts them, thereby increasing the effort to feed tomorrow and ensure food security.

What is the one thing you think every aspiring graphic designer should know about the role?

Every aspiring designer should be keen on exploring and honing their design skill-set.

READ ALSO: Cf Staff Writes Episode 5

So there you have it, Talent turned profession. Robert’s story goes a long way to make us understand that it is in fact possible to work in any area you love. With his healthy approach towards his work, he helps communicate the complete farmer Vision with the world through compelling visuals. And as part of the Complete Farmer family, he helps bring more people on board with the vision of creating a world that eats better by working together.

