Everything Happens For A Reason

I call bullsh*t.

Sigourney Humus
Complex Parenting


Photo by Nolan Issac on Unsplash

You have probably seen it on a coffee mug or a bumper sticker. Or maybe one of those distressed signs you can buy at the farmers market.

“Everything Happens For A Reason”

It sounds so good, god it feels so good. It is exactly the kind of bullsh*t that makes you want to accept the world around you for what it is. To take the good with the bad and always look for the rainbow.

That’s okay, right? That how positive people live, isn’t it?

The perfect start to a bad day.

Let's say that you are sitting in a coffee shop right now while you read this. Your laptop in front of you, coffee in hand. If you are like me, then this sounds like a great start to the day.

All of a sudden your coffee slips from your hand and spills all over your keyboard, seeping into your hard drive. It sizzles and smokes and the screen goes dead. Bye bye, laptop.

Now, please find the positive in this story. What good can come out of your laptop dying?

If you are one of those relentless riddle masters then you are trying to find a way to beat me and my metaphor. Your version likely ends with you going to buy a new laptop, where you meet the love of your…

