My Daughter Stopped Believing In The Easter Bunny

I was really dreading this.

Sigourney Humus
Complex Parenting


Easter was only a week away and my seven-year-old daughter had a question.

“Is the Easter bunny real or do parents just fill the baskets and hide the eggs?” She said, looking me in the eyes. I just stared back with my eyes getting wider by the second.

This was a hard moment for me. I didn’t want to give in, but I knew it was time. I say it was time because for years my wife and I have lived by a code that has worked well for us as parents.

The Code: We all ways give an honest answer to questions from our children.

Except, we don’t.

For the most part, we have maintained a foundation where we are honest about our choices and our beliefs and can we always tell her the truth. Except, we have been lying through our teeth in one, little area. We never tell her the truth about holiday magic.

She is always asking us questions about life and we’ve always been very upfront. For example, when she was four, she asked about how babies are made and wanted to understand how the sperm and egg got together. So we told her how it worked.

