Living In A Two Bedroom Apartment With Three Kids

That's the American dream right?

Sigourney Humus
Complex Parenting


Photo by Nate Watson on Unsplash

I have been living in a two bedroom apartment with my wife and three kids for almost three years now. As fun as that sounds it can get kinda cramped. Our kids are continually growing but surprisingly our home is not getting any bigger.

Two bedrooms split between five people can feel a little claustrophobic at times. With twin 3-year-old boys and an eight-year-old daughter, we know this size apartment isn’t a permanent solution, but it works for now.

It’s the storage that makes it hard. Having a place to put things is challenging. It makes us be more picky about what we own and what we keep. Marie Kondo would be proud of our ability to maintain order in such a small place.

Apartments don’t have white picket fences.

Apartment living has its challenges, but I think that the biggest issue is the mental battle. Culturally I live in a city that is built on the system that sees apartment living as a temporary solution to owning a home. It is seen as a lesser way of living.

It is hard to not get sucked into this way of thinking and start to criticize myself for our living situation. I mean, let's be honest, you probably judged me a little reading the title…

