OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol

Dinuka Malalanayake
Complex to Simple
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2013

Oauth 2.0 having four types of scenarios as follows

1. Authorization code — A resource owner is able to authenticate directly with an authorization server, and passes on an “authorization code” to the client app.


2. Implicit — For client apps which are implemented in a browser using a scripting language (such as JavaScript). here client is not validating


3. Resource owner credentials — Where there is a high degree of trust between the resource owner and the client app (e.g. a trusted client app on a resource owner’s mobile device). we are using this scenario in mobile applications because redirection is not possible with mobile apps.

Oauth-2.0-Resource owner credentials

4. Client credentials — For access to protected resources that are under the control of the client app (and not any specific/individual resource owner). This is using for public resource as well as this scenario represented 2-legged OAuth

Oauth-2.0-Client credentials



Dinuka Malalanayake
Complex to Simple

Skilled in leading a dynamic team to develop, ensure quality assurance, and deliver seamless software components. Proficient in architectural design #TemLead