Looking for a Leadership Coach in Turbulent Times? We take your experience seriously

Matthew Rich-Tolsma
Complexity Guys
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020

Sometimes it seems like coaches and consultants have only two modes: Asking questions and Giving answers. When senior leaders find themselves in the eyes of the storm, neither of these really seems sufficient in and of themselves. Our approach to coaching is neither to see ourselves as having a definitive solution nor to push back sole responsibility onto you.

Rather, we see ourselves as active participants in a conversation. Conversations are a process of collaborative improvisation, we cannot predict what will happen when we meet, but we are committed to sticking with it, being compassionate, and taking our experience seriously together.

M.C. Escher, Hand with Reflecting Sphere (1935)

We are interested in exploring together

  • where do you focus your attention
  • how to make sense and interpret your experience
  • what is needed to start approaching things differently.

This allows our clients to pay a different quality of attention to those moments of perplexity and breakdown that take up our energy and start to notice the relational patterns that are emerging in our work.

Sometimes we will use assessments, or other tools and techniques, sometimes we will bring other people into the conversation, but all of this can be negotiated with you in context. The purpose of all of this sense-making is, of course, in service of action. So we are interested in helping you to find what the good enough next steps might look like and help you to enact them.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash.

When you are in the eye of the storm you need to respond dynamically. Let us help you read the currents and winds a little better.

If you would like to explore how we can support you best please get in touch with Tomáš or Matthew for an obligation-free exploratory conversation.

Where shall we begin?



Matthew Rich-Tolsma
Complexity Guys

Senior Leadership & OD Practitioner | Managing in complexity | Group process | Director at Risebeyond.org