Welcome to our Circle

Compliment Circle
Compliment Circle
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2018
Illustrated and animated by Erick Rufon

There’s something about a heartfelt compliment that has the power to make all bad things melt away for a moment.

When my girlfriends and I get together, our chats inevitably turn into what we’ve affectionately termed “Compliment Circle”; picture a few of us sitting around a table or in a car or halfway across the country through FaceTime earnestly rehashing every. single. thing. we love about each other. (There’s also a lot of hugging.)

Whether this is a unique phenomenon, I can’t say, but I can attest that this unintentional practice makes everything feel lighter, better, easier; like the way a passing kind word makes you feel, but on steroids.

As the world around us continues to feel worse, heavier, harder, it became clear that our Compliment Circle is an antidote. So I’m here to formalize it, make it purposeful, and invite you to it.

Because now, more than ever, kindness is a political act.

Take a break. Kick off your shoes. There’s room for you in our circle.


