Dev Log #11

Composable Foundation
Composable Finance
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2022

Disclaimer: Information as of Aug 19, 2022. For the most recent updates, dive into our comprehensive documentation here.

As mentioned in our previous Dev Logs, our current focus remains centered on preparing Picasso and Pablo for launch as we finalize audits and QA, whilst continuing to make strong progress within our Bridging team for both Cosmos and NEAR, and the XCVM demo and developer interface that will be shown at Cosmoverse in September.

Bridging team

As detailed in our previous longer-form posts, we’re building Picasso and Pablo with cross-chain modularity in mind. Simply put, this means that whilst our chain and DEX will launch without Centauri bridge, they are being built to support and leverage our trustless IBC<>Substrate tech.

Starting with the work to bring IBC to NEAR, we are seeing strong progress after implementing ‘ibc-transfer’ and unit tests for the router, as well as mirroring substrate storage logic and ibc transfer tests.

NEP-364 has been approved, and our team are currently discussing details on the implementation related to gas fees. In addition, we are working on a new proposal to extend the NEAR smart contract standard to be IBC compliant, which we are looking forward to sharing furher details soon.

On the IBC front, ‘ICS20’ within the ibc pallet has undergone bug fixes, and our latest tests have progressed successfully. For ibc-rs, the Beefy light client has been modified to track a single parachain making it more inline with the existing ibc standards. Within ibc-go, we’ve successfully created clients for both chains, and parsed IBC events from ibc-rs. We have created 3 PRs ino cosmos relayer repo for: {Key store, Event Parser, Chain Processor}.

We are migrating code to the new Go relayer implementation, breaking the work into smaller PRs and creating them upstream, focusing on multiple dependencies like go-substrate-rpc library and ibc-go

Our design team continues to develop the UI, with the below screenshot displaying the in-progress development of the initial wireframes. We will continue to display the various iterations before we consider the design final.


The XCVM team remains focused on our second demo for Cosmoverse in September, where we additionally reveal our new developer interface and explorer. In the past weeks, we have onboarded a new Senior Frontend Engineer to the XCVM team, who has been working alongside our design team to build these new visualization tools.

The spec for XCVM continues to advance, with the most recent updates pushed here.

Through this, users (with a strong developer focus), have complete, easy, and filtered-enabled access to transaction details on the overview page; and for further visualization, XCVM holds pages for relayer details and an explorer for transactions data. The explorer also includes an innovative transaction visualization feature: a graphic stepper tree where the user can visualize the full orchestration process, no matter how complex the operation is.

Our focus on development continues to be centered on the last details and review around the CosmWasm VM pallet, the frontend and data structure, whilst moving forward to blockchain integration. Our CosmWasm pallet has entered our broader integration and audit pipeline where we prioritize work across all of our product streams — as our core Picasso and Pablo pallets are close to completion, we will proceed with the audit of CosmWasm too.

For more information about Composable and how it is architecting the unified DeFi landscape of the future, check out our socials:

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