Mural integration within Treasure

Composable Foundation
Composable Finance
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2021

Disclaimer: Information as of Dec 21, 2021. For the most recent updates, dive into our comprehensive documentation here

Mural is proud to announce the integration of TreasureDAO, bringing cross-layer NFT transferral capabilities to their well-established NFT marketplace and metaverse ecosystem. Mural will enable NFT collections on EVM-compatible chains to be transferred and used within the Treasure marketplace, metaverse, and games.

This is a significant step in expanding the utility of NFTs and another advancement in leveraging cross-chain infrastructure to increase value for both builders and users. Not only will this allow NFTs from other ecosystems to be bought, sold, and stored on the Treasure marketplace, but it will also leverage the scalability of Arbitrum to allow metaverse and gaming projects to use NFTs from other ecosystems.

About Mural

Mural, Composable Finance’s NFT bridge built on Mosaic, is pursuant on providing an open infrastructure to assist NFT creators, collectors, and innovators in their path to creative freedom across digital canvases. We envision and enable an environment for the expression and unlocking of digital arts bridging the siloed blockchain environment that will house creative works of the past and future. A future that exists beyond a single chain where users can freely mint, purchase, and rent NFTs from marketplaces to then traverse across layers and chains unlocking their true potential.

About Treasure

The pioneering team at Treasure are building composable economic resources to act as bridges between the growing network of metaverses. Cross-ecosystem ties are bolstered through their interrelated resource model consisting of MAGIC, Treasures and Legions- the underlying structure that fuels the Treasure metaverse. Their long-term vision is to become the ‘base-layer’ construct from which metaverses can build with and upon.

Treasure has already announced partnerships with projects and metaverses such as Olympus Dao, Olympus Odyssey, Smolverse, Life, Ether Orcs and more. Smol Brains NFT is just one of the NFT collections that have partnered with Treasure and have since carried out over $7.4 million USD in volume. The Treasure Marketplace is currently the leading NFT marketplace and metaverse gaming protocol on Arbitrum, the current trading volume of NFTs is over 14 million $MAGIC (Treasure’s native token) which roughly amounts to $13 million USD.

Expanding NFT capabilities

This collaboration further expands Mural’s network and enhances Treasure’s platform for bridges in the Metaverse. With the recent heightened interests in NFTs and the Metaverse it allows Mural and TreasureDAO to further push the boundaries of use cases in the sector with their well-established network and infrastructure.

This integration will bring the further realization of NFT interoperability across chains and layers. Treasure has quickly grown as one of the most exciting protocols on Arbitrum, already becoming the leading NFT marketplace whilst also building the core infrastructure that will act as bridges to connect a network of metaverses. Now leveraging the Mural bridge, NFTs will no longer be trapped on a single layer with limited utility, giving rise to powerful opportunities and use cases that have not before been possible.

Mural’s transferral flow permits NFTs to be brought onto L2s where applications can be built around them. This provides more utility and also increases the value of the NFTs as users can interact and trade with little cost on Arbitrum, even if their NFTs were originally minted on ETH.

For example, a user would be able to bridge their NFT collection from Ethereum mainnet to Arbitrum in order to utilise their collection within the TreasureDAO metaverse or trade on their NFT marketplace.

Games and Metaverse projects utilizing Treasure NFT marketplace can leverage Treasure’s Mural integration to bridge their in-game assets to Arbitrum, unlocking further use cases for collecting, trading, customization and even monetization.

Treasure already have several collections built in their metaverse, such as Legions and Smolbrains. Soon, as Life will be joining the Treasure ecosystem, Mural opens the doors for countless on-chain NFT games from different layers to interact with the Treasure-verse.

TreasureDao’s integration with Mural should help spur further growth within its ecosystem as interoperability is enhanced. Mural will continue to remove barriers of entry in the NFT space as we head to a future of borderless NFT transferrals.

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