The Skill Everyone in Hoge Army Needs

What I’ve learned from the Black Swan

Jesse J Rogers
Compounding Interest Podcast
10 min readApr 11, 2021


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By Hogefather, aka Jesse J Rogers

“A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.” — Investopedia

Most people are terrified of the unknown, and the term Black Swan can especially make some people’s blood run cold in the financial sector, where stability is prized.

But that’s not us. In Hoge Army, we lean into the unknown and relish the unexpected.

I’d like to introduce you to a man who sees Black Swans not with fear, but with excitement.

He’s probably never heard of Hoge Finance. He’s certainly never heard of me. But this man has had a profound impact on my life by training me through books and lectures in the most valuable skill that I possess.

It isn’t writing, although I treasure this skill.

It isn’t mathematics, although that is currently how I make my living.

The skill I speak of is negotiation. And I utilize it in every single interaction.

The man who gave me this gift is the former FBI Lead Negotiator Chris Voss.

