How to Make Optimal Business (and Personal) Decisions, Every Time!

Artnigel Santiago
Compumatrix Blogs Network
6 min readApr 25, 2021

In our business and personal lives, we make countless decisions, big and small. For example, how should I build my Compumatrix business? What career is right for me? Where should I live? Where shall we go out for dinner tonight? Some turn out well others don’t.

What if you had a foolproof way to make business decisions that were always optimal for your business, for you, for everyone in your company? Plus, what if they were also optimal for everyone associated with your company (buyers, suppliers, customers) and for the environment?

How We Make Decisions

Often we make decisions using our logical/reasoning mind, i.e., it’s a thought process. We “figure it out” based on the information stored in our minds using the information and experience we have. This process may include the collective “wisdom” of other team members who provide input. Of course, everything we have learned is valuable information we can apply to decision-making.

Other times our decisions are strongly driven by emotions. We are “determined” to make it happen, no matter what. If we don’t achieve X, it will be a “serious problem” for us. We need to defend against competitors. We need to be aggressive in the marketplace if we are going to succeed. We need to maximize profit, no matter what it takes. I want to take that risk but, I’m afraid of failing.

Or it might be a combination of both.

Why Are These Decision-Making Approaches Less Than Optimal?

What’s the problem with making decisions based on our emotions? Whenever we are upset, the front of our brains (pre-frontal cortex), the decision-making and executive functioning part, functions less effectively, i.e., we lose the ability to think clearly. Furthermore, the more upset we get, the less able we are to think clearly. For example, have you ever been so angry that you said or did something you later regretted? Consequently, decisions made when we are highly “emotional” are less than optimal.

So, what’s the problem with making decisions using logic/reasoning? Perhaps you’re thinking, “What about all my years of experience and the expertise I have accumulated, my wisdom? What about things I have learned from others? Isn’t that valuable?”

Yes, it is, up to a point. We all have made decisions that have turned out to be less than optimal. Hopefully we have learned something from those experiences, which has allowed us to make better decisions in the future. We learned by doing. On the other hand, you may recall Einstein’s often cited definition of insanity, “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Now, I am going to ask you to keep an open mind and stretch a little. Regardless of all our experience and our improving ability to make better decisions, the limitation of decision-making based on logic/reasoning is that we are limited to the information in our minds.

Now you might say, “Yes, and our minds have an amazing capacity to store information and to learn.” Yes, they do. However (and here’s the “stretching” part), a far more comprehensive set of information is available to us for decision-making than what is contained in our minds, one that is, essentially, infinite. While it has many names, I call it Universal Intelligence. Whatever name you prefer, the important concept here is that you have the opportunity to access this infinite intelligence system.

Making Optimal Decisions

We can access Universal Intelligence using our intuition, which is our innate ability to know or understand something without reasoning or proof. It’s sometimes called a “gut feeling” or a “hunch.” We all have experienced this ability. However, sometimes we don’t follow this guidance because we allow our reasoning mind (our thoughts) to get in the way, which causes us to doubt our intuition.

The key point is our intuition will always guide us to the optimal decision in any situation because it is accessing infinite intelligence. Here’s how you can access and enhance your intuitive abilities:

  • First, you must be in a calm, centered state, free of any tension, upset, anxiety, fear, or other negative emotion. To accomplish this, take several slow, deep, continuous breaths. Inhale fully and, just before you complete the inhale, start exhaling. Then, before you complete your exhale, begin another inhale. In other words, breathe without pausing between each inhale and exhale. Do this at a pace that is comfortable for you. Continue until you feel completely relaxed.
  • Second, using your internal voice or speaking out loud, ask a simple question like, “What is optimal for me to do?”
  • Third, calmly wait for a response. Be aware that your intuition may communicate with you via auditory (hearing words), visual (seeing an image), or sensory cues. For me, I either feel a nudge/inclination or have a thought. It may take some time for you to recognize when you are receiving intuitive guidance. Be gentle with yourself as you gradually enhance your ability to identify and receive this information.
  • Fourth, follow the guidance you receive and notice the results of your action. Doing this will help you learn to trust your intuition.
  • Fifth, practice this process regularly. Soon, it will become easy and natural for you.

If you already experience regular communication with your intuition, then I encourage you to consistently follow the guidance you are receiving. Then notice the results you achieve in your business, and your personal life.

You can also receive intuitive guidance without consciously following the steps above. For me, it appears as a thought or idea that comes to me at random times. It might happen when I’m in the shower (i.e., feeling relaxed and not “thinking” about anything), or when I am “daydreaming,” or in a quiet moment.

A True Story

[NOTE: I started to describe a personal example of experiencing intuitive guidance. However, after writing a few sentences, I had the “inspired thought” to use a different, more relevant business example. “Thank you, intuitive guidance!”] 😉

About five years ago, I was in Las Vegas Lakes, Nevada, attending a business networking conference called CEO Space to promote a new business I was building. One afternoon I decided to watch a presentation by Jack Canfield, co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. As I entered the large room containing about 300 people, I “randomly” chose to turn left and sit in an aisle near the back of the room. A few minutes later, a man I did not know sat down to my right.

As Mr. Canfield began, he asked us to do an exercise. He instructed us to turn our chairs, face a partner, then share our “life mission” with each other. I turned to the man on my right, and we agreed to do the exercise together. With our chairs facing each other, I asked him to start. After he spoke the first couple of sentences, I instinctively reached into my pocket, pulled out one of my business cards, and handed it to him to read. He had just spoken the tagline on my card!!! We paused, looked at each other, and I said, “We’ve got to talk.” He agreed. The next evening over a 3-hour dinner, we shared our life stories and discovered how closely aligned we were in our business missions. Six months later, I joined his company, and we have been business partners ever since.

Epilogue: Individually, we each have shared this story with people many times. But it was only about a year ago that I heard his description of how we met. As he tells the story, he walked into that large meeting room, paused, and said to himself, “Where should I sit?” The response he received was a voice in his head that said, “Turn left and sit there.” Hmmmmmm. I still get “chills” through my body whenever I tell this story.

I now regularly experience exceptional results in my business and personal life, including being introduced to Compumatrix a few years ago. I encourage you to use this gift you have been given. It will enable you to make optimal decisions consistently. Then, watch your business and personal life soar beyond your wildest dreams!!!

Originally published at on April 25, Paul Repicky

