SEC’s Fickle Stance, Regulation by Enforcement, and the Need for Regulatory Clarity in America’s Crypto Innovation Landscape

Compumatrix Blogs Network
2 min readJun 6, 2023

Cryptocurrency, blockchain, and the innovations they’re driving are quickly changing the face of finance. But as the U.S. continues to navigate these relatively uncharted waters, there’s been a growing sense of frustration towards the perceived inconsistency of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) approach, particularly regarding the ongoing “regulation by enforcement” strategy.

The Fickle Stance of the SEC

The SEC has a pivotal role in shaping the regulatory landscape for digital assets, but its stance has often been viewed as fluctuating and unclear. The use of the 1946 Howey Test to classify digital assets as securities has been met with criticism, with many arguing that the application of this almost century-old test to a decidedly 21st-century technology leaves ample room for misinterpretation.

The SEC’s inconsistent rulings on different cryptocurrencies — treating Bitcoin and Ethereum as commodities but classifying most Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) as unregistered securities — has led to an atmosphere of uncertainty that has arguably stifled innovation.

Regulation by Enforcement: A Troublesome Approach

Rather than provide clear guidance, the SEC has largely relied on “regulation by enforcement,” — pursuing legal actions against companies they deem to have violated securities laws. While enforcement is undoubtedly a necessary tool for regulators, the lack of clear guidelines has led to a situation where innovators are unsure of the legality of their actions until after the fact — a classic case of being “guilty until proven innocent.”

The Call for Regulatory Clarity

Regulation is critical to protect investors, maintain fair markets, and facilitate capital formation. However, when regulation is inconsistent or unclear, it risks becoming a roadblock rather than a facilitator.

What America needs are new, clear laws from Congress that are tailored to digital assets. Laws that consider the unique aspects of blockchain technology and provide clear rules on how digital assets should be classified, regulated, and enforced.

Such laws would not only protect consumers and investors but could also spur innovation by providing certainty. America has been a cradle for tech innovation for decades. Clear crypto regulations could ensure it maintains this position in the era of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

The Time is Now

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies are here to stay. As they continue to grow and mature, the need for clear, consistent, and thoughtful regulation grows more pressing. The time for regulatory clarity is now. It’s time for America to embrace the future of finance with open arms and clear rules.



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