The Future Is Bright

Artnigel Santiago
Compumatrix Blogs Network
5 min readApr 5, 2021

David Cry

Our son is 13 and, loves money. After receiving his first pair of expensive tennis shoes when he was 6, he began collecting them, if you will, storing a dozen pair, many did not fit, on a bookcase in his bedroom. Because his mother and I are fiscally responsible, we have ensured he knows quite well, the value of the things he has. This has led to imminent desires. Law School, followed by an MBA, and then a life well spent. He is well aware of Cryptocurrency and now, Compumatrix because, he can feel the future. The other day he quipped, “ I appreciate the fact that if someone I know in Tokyo has something that I want, all I must do is push a button, and a few days later, what I want arrives. It is comforting to know, our boy can see the realistic and easier path for what lies ahead. Well aware that cash will likely allow him to have the grass cut, or a quick bite to eat purchased, his full expectation is that bitcoin will be an every day aspect of his life, and that all of his peers will be completely immersed as well. This has made me better aware that in an ever changing world, we never truly know how impactful anything can be in terms of ease of use. Whether people like it or not, all involved here are aware of how important a platform Compumatrix is.

Since Brennan was 3, it feels as though we have been raising an adult. Highly intelligent, with language comprehension off the charts, he understands well what each person working for Compumatrix does. Sacrifice. When he was 5, his older brother passed away from the condition the international medical foundation i have run since 2000 represents. While sadness obviously gripped him, even more, the awareness that he would be without who he loved, and in many ways relied on, would no longer be, placed him in quite an ambitous position. He has rendered the ultimate in terms of loss. A sibling is a life long relationship. A natural goal setter, once Brennan sees the intended, his focus narrows. Although we are new within Compumatrix, and hopefully gaining and growing, I have already recognized more than once with Compumatrix, that it appears highly similar in function. While my initial hope was that our son would follow many of the exceptional physicians I work with, in his opinion, the law helps everyone, while medicine is highly specific. He will succeed. Teacher after teacher predicts excellent things. One even went so far as to say, “ I have anticipated outcomes for students for thirty-eight years. I know well who will and will not and, your son is in my top five, overall. His future is unlimited for one reason. He has decided it would be.” The similarities between he and many involved with this company are uncanny. It is extremely uplifting.

My hopeful expectation is that if our son intends to purchase a home, car, or engagement ring for his intended bride, that by then, using cryptocurrency creates a true ease in doing so. Our son, seeing the price of bitcoin, on a significant rise, also commented that his true hope is, that regulations are not forthcoming. His grandfather, my Dad, who also passed, shortly after our son, made sure to tell him what I heard a million times. “If you wish to make things more ambitous and complicated, just involve the government.” Dad ran The National Weather Service for the government forty years so he knew. Institutional investment is completely counter the intent. The thoroughness of every person involved with this uniquely individualized institution creates safeguards so the unregulated intent remains. Involving yourself to add to what you have not created, which some governments have tried, offers no benefit. One country is poised to create their very own exchange, however, failure is likely imminent. Cash poor, they rely too heavily on loans of fiat currency to sustain themselves within the realm of bitcoin. Also, a primary motivation is the control and tracking of what their citizens spend money on. This does not fit within cryptocurrency as far as I can see. Financial freedom can be made available to all. Should that pose risk, evolve The efforts made within the realm of Cryptocurrency should by now, indicate that adhering to the initial intent is what matters most. I became aware that in essence, every person involved here is their very own financial institution. In light of the difficulty that many have with lending institutions, and accompanying rules, my hope grows that our son will be allowed to live more abundantly. If he earns it, where it goes and how it is utilized is his choice. Having just turned 13, his future will be within Compumatrix. Already knowing this, he is learning and, already offering advice to me and his Mom. As a father, it makes me proud to know he gets it.
While many conduct themselves today, with little foresight towards the future, I sincerely hope that each person working, sacrificing, and ensuring, is aware, you are not just creating best practices for all of those involved but, setting the stage for a legacy, which is hopefully fully intact for many generations to come. While our son could pay exorbitant fees, and still send money overseas, easing his ability appears to be the priority. When I deal with a family who has a dying son, if I focus on the here and now, it offers little to no solace to any of the desperately sad. I discuss tomorrows. What life will contain. How they will be required to adjust in the loss of their child, and provide best practices for the surviving children and themselves to still live a fulfilling life. It is an enormous challenge. In some ways, I see parallels between my vocation and Compumatrix. Each person who has poured over, and worked to improve, is not just considering themselves. Instead, they see future generations with full access to a better way of managing assets and conducting life. I sincerely hope that each involved is fully aware of how important steps taken today affect all of the futures to come. Exceptional vision yields better things and all work being done today makes the opportunity for better tomorrow’s much better and hopefully brighter. When a pebble is dropped into a body of water, the ripples moving out, symbolize the actions of each person here, and how far reaching their actions may be. In my opinion, based on maintaining the professional privileges I do, I have concluded that the most important element of life is family. To that end, I see it alive and well here. Being a part of this with all of you is joyful. Thank you.

Originally published at on April 5, djcry720

