Walk and Grow Rich

Compumatrix Blogs Network
3 min readMar 23, 2021

Most people these days hardly walk. Go from house to car to car park to office and retrace the steps coming home. We have forgotten the usefulness of Walking in our daily lives and do not really find time to Walk.

I am writing this blog to encourage all of us to realize the usefulness of walking and start this simple method of exercise to improve our lot on several fronts. There are at least 10(ten) beneficial things that happen to our body if we walk every day. 30 minutes walk is the best exercise. According to researches done at various medical centers, one being Harvard as they found it reduces the risk of death by 30%.

How does walking affect us?

  • Walking improves Mental health. Just like a small amount of wine or a bit of Dark Chocolate reduces Stress. Walking does the same by increasing the level of Endorphins in our system thereby reducing stress and reduce the risk of Dementia as well as reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s. Overall improvement in Mental health by just merely walking every day.
  • Eyesight improvement — It is hard to imagine walking helping with eyesight but it definitely helps reduce eye pressure and helping avert Glaucoma.
  • Beneficial to the heart. As an exercise, walking helps prevent Cardiovascular Accidents, lowers Blood Pressure, Helps to decrease Cholesterol, and improves blood circulation.
  • Lungs — Walking definitely helps increase Lung capacity helps eliminate various toxins from the body, therefore, helping in decreased incidents of Respiratory Diseases.
  • Pancreas — It is hard to believe but it’s true that walk improves Pancreatic function and helps better control Diabetes by increasing the efficiency of the Pancreas causing the need for Insulin to be reduced for more adequate Blood Sugar control.
  • Digestion — Walking improves your digestion helps eliminate constipation to an extent and reduces the incidence of Colon cancer in some of the studies done.
  • Muscles — It helps tone up your muscles, Walking about 10000 steps doos help to increase your muscle tone and it can be repeated on a daily basis without any injury to your muscle mass.
  • Walking improves bone strength, reduces bone pains, reduces bone stiffness, and improves mobility. Bone mass also increases helping to develop stronger bones and thereby reducing the risk of Fractures.
  • Low back pain — Walking being low impact exercise helps increase blood circulation in the spinal area and improve posture too.
  • Mood — It has been shown that walking does help with mood improvement, decreasing Stress and Anxiety. Walking with a friend /companion helps increase the overall benefits.

So after learning the benefits of walking, I think we will be in a better frame of mind to tackle our own business, namely Compumatrix, by having a stress free anxiety free mind to promote various aspects of our business and be able to put across the Compumatrix Concept and the Motto/Mission — Engage, Enrich and Enhance life!

Originally published at https://www.compumatrix.ph on March 23, 2021.by Bharat Kapoor

