What About Your “Third-Eye”?

Compumatrix Blogs Network
5 min readMar 26, 2021

In my blog, “20/20 Vision,” https://www.compumatrix.ph/2021/03/24/20-20-vision/, the discussion was around our TWO eyes and their ability to see. Let’s go deeper and explore the “THIRD EYE.”

What is the third eye?

If you speak with most spiritual practitioners — a guru, yoga, mystic, etc., the conversation will nearly always go to the Pineal Gland or “Third Eye,” as it’s referred to. Every culture across the globe teaches about the “Third Eye,” and all seem to place relevance on awakening the “third eye” in the quest for spiritual advancement. Ancient Egyptians believe there is a correlation between the Pineal gland placement — between the eyebrows — which mirrors the Eye of Horus’s location. In Ayurvedic philosophy, the Ajna Chakra is taught to represent the “Third Eye.”

Erica Matluck, a holistic coach and naturopathic doctor describes the Third eye as an “energetic center or Chakra” and although it’s not actually existent it IS thought to be yoked with the Pineal gland which is located in our brain and you guessed it, right between our eyebrows.

Is the “Third Eye” beneficial in leading to greater heights of intuition, concentration, FORESIGHT, clarity, or imagination?

According to Erica Matluck, “It gives us the ability to see beyond what is physically present in the moment. Seers and psychics typically have highly developed third eye chakras.”

OK, maybe we need to understand the Pineal Gland a bit more:

What exactly IS the Pineal gland?

Well not surprisingly perhaps, the medical profession can’t really describe it’s function but tells us the gland is shaped like a pea and is a conical mass of tissue located near the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Research says it generates and regulates specific hormones such as melatonin which helps us regulate our sleeping patterns and protects us from certain cardiovascular ailments.

It seems when the “Third Eye” is exposed to light, this stimulates and regulates the body’s biorhythms. (perhaps this is why to sleep, I must have pitch darkness and ONLY white noise). I envy those who can sleep with music or the Television blaring and lights on. One study in Pubmed describes the human pineal gland as “ an extremely active neuroendocrine transducer. Environmental light acts through the retina and entrains the pineal gland’s circadian rhythms by way of the hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system… this tiny gland is considered to be the “regulator of regulators” and important in general homeostasis.

This all sounds very scientific and though I appreciate Science, I tend to look past Science and a bit deeper into the rabbit hole to “round out” my curiosity. It just rings true to me that this “Third Eye” has a much larger responsibility in the overall scheme of things.

What Happens when your “Third Eye” Becomes Blind?

It is said, when the “Third Eye” becomes unable to “see,” you lose touch with reality, feel as though you are lost, and become very spiritually inactive. This causes you to become negative towards life, anxious, and fear for your future. Aletheia Luna, writer and co-founder of Lonerwolf, suggests when your third eye is constricted, you will “struggle with narrow-mindedness, overthinking, insomnia, suffocating beliefs, lack of purpose, depression, and an inability to connect with your Soul.

Perhaps this is why we often lose sense of purpose, exhausted beyond belief, and basically hopeless? Maybe this is the reason for losing a zest for life, motivation to achieve success and continuously throwing blame to others for our lack?

A blocked Chakra or blind “Third Eye” it seems can have devastating effects on our physical health as well. We don’t sleep well, we experience lowered metabolic function, infections, neurological problems, frequent illness, higher blood pressure, lowered immune system, sinus problems, anxiety, depression, even addictions to alcohol and drugs will haunt us. NOT a pretty picture!

When the “Third Eye” is able to see clearly, you are insightful, open-minded, well connected to your inner intelligence, and very much FORESIGHTED. You rest much better, you are less prone to illness, and you have a much broader vision in life.

So How Can We Open Our “Third Eye?”

Meditate on your third eye or Ajna chakra. Meditation will help even if you are a beginner. Learn to be still and go inside yourself. Meditate on your “Third eye”. Holistic coach Erica Matluck says “ Focus your attention on the point between the brows in meditation, and simply observe what images or thoughts arise.” By becoming increasingly aware of your thoughts and emotions, you will be able to open more spiritual space within you.

Being intensely aware of your breath helps bring your focus to the here and now. Isn’t this all any of us have anyway? Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow never comes, so we need to live in the now. It so happens that paying attention and breathing with INTENTION helps to open our “Third Eye.” Erica adds, “There are many kinds of breathwork, but holotropic breathwork is particularly well-suited to opening your sixth chakra.”

Kundalini Yoga is very conducive to freeing your “Third Eye” and opening your spiritual mindset. Choosing the proper kriyas (postures, breath patterns, or movements) is very important, so do your research to determine which is best for you, and focus on the pituitary and pineal glands. If you love pizza and latte’s, sipping shakes on the main, and you’re not into Yoga forget unblocking your gland!

Seriously, your diet plays a huge role in your overall health, not to mention “waking up” your “Third-Eye.” Eating sugars, unhealthy fats, loading up on carbs, and drinking sodas, shakes, and sugary juices may be good while they are going down the hatch, but in reality, they are the worst things for our bodies and health.

It is no coincidence that changing your eating habits to a more nutritious and sustainable diet plays a huge part in opening your pineal gland and your chakra alignment! Eat regularly an array of purple foods; purple sweet potatoes, purple kale, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, eggplant, purple cabbage; and this diet will boost your body chakra balance and help to open your “Third Eye.” Please take note, your diet determines your energy, and in the end, we are what we eat!

What is the condition of YOUR “Third Eye?”

Whether or not our “Third Eye” is open and focused, we know one man whose eyes are all open! Henry Banayat’s “Third Eye,” I believe we can all agree, has been open for a very long time. His ability to “see” beyond the unbelievable challenges, the pain of loss, the backstabbing, Covid19, and whatever else has been thrown in his way, Henry has risen above with grace and intense dedication! What amazing FORESIGHT!!

Compumatrix, whether some would want to agree, is a divine inspiration that Henry “Saw” and adopted in his heart to see the vision of helping not only HIS country but the whole of the world and to Engage, Enrich, and Enhance every life that has enough vision and foresight of their own to achieve great things!!

Originally published at https://www.compumatrix.ph on March 26, 2021.by sophye

