Weekly Development Update — November 8th 2019

Bharath Ramsundar
Computable Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2019

Hi Computable Community!

We’ve got a number of exciting updates this week. To catch-up on what we’ve been up to, check out last week’s update. We’re going to continue cross-posting our updates on our forums here and on Medium.

Last Week’s Updates

Deployed on Rinkeby Testnet

Our biggest update this week is that we now have a version of our contracts deployed onto the Rinkeby testnet! Check out this picture of one of the Parameterizer contract on rinkeby viewed through EtherScan

Getting onto Rinkeby posed some fun challenges. We had to get some Rinkeby ETH from the faucet, which required us to post some Tweets online.

We then used Compas to interact with the contracts on Rinkeby. The dashboard worked beautifully, letting us obtain MarketToken within minutes.

Deliveries Now Functional!

After a good chunk of debugging, we can now perform deliveries through our frontend! This means that it’s possible to purchase data through the frontend and get the delivery of the data once purchased.

Support and Withdraw through Frontend Now Works

We’ve got the capability to now support/withdraw markets through the frontend.

Solidifying Frontend Infrastructure

We continued solidifying our frontend infrastructure, working on cleaning out some technical debt.

Groundwork to Deploy on Mainnet

We’re working on setting up infrastructure for our mainnet deployments now that the tokens are on public testnet.

Next Week’s Priorities

Shipping to Mainnet

We’re aiming to deploy a version of our contracts onto mainnet to provide an alpha developer playground.

Getting Involved

We’re excited to grow the Computable community. If you’d like to get more involved, follow us on social media or chat with our devs on Discord. Here are some references to help you get started:







Originally published at https://forum.computable.io on November 12, 2019.



Bharath Ramsundar
Computable Blog

Co-founder and CTO at @ComputableLabs. Prev: Creator of https://DeepChem.io . Author @OReillyMedia. Stanford CS PhD on deep drug discovery