Write to the Computational Biology Magazine

Share your knowledge, research and ideas related to Computational Biology

CBM Team
The Computational Biology Magazine
4 min readMar 29, 2020


The Computational Biology Magazine was launched with the intention of supporting and raising awareness of the knowledge and research areas in the domain of Computational Biology. Although Computer Science and Biology are very famous as fields of research, there is much less awareness among the research community about the field of Computational Biology. Computational Biology is the combination of Computer Science in the field of Biology. The two fields in isolation are very matured but the combination is still. If you love to write about topics related to Computational Biology, writers are more than welcome to join our publication.

Image by William Iven from Pixabay

Become a Writer

We are looking for writers to publish stories sharing knowledge and latest news in the fields related to Computational Biology such as genomics, proteomics, metagenomics, etc. and applications of machine learning and programming concepts. If you love writing about these topics, keep reading!

By publishing with the Computational Biology Magazine, you will be able to reach a broad audience interested in this domain. Once you have been added as a writer, you will be able to submit stories as drafts to our publication. Our editors will moderate your submission before publication and personal notes will be placed at relevant sections in your draft if necessary. After you have addressed any issues pointed out by the editors, we will publish your story. If your stories are of high quality, Medium Curators may be add your story to topics as well which will provide your story a broader audience related to tags.

You can earn money from your published articles via the Medium Partner Program. Writers can chose to add their stories published on the Computational Biology Magazine into Medium’s metered paywall which makes the story eligible to earn money. Writers get 100% of their earnings from their Medium account through the Medium Partner Program. The Computational Biology Magazine is not involved with the Medium Partner Program and we do not pay writers for the stories they publish on our publication.

Things to note before Submission

First of all, there are a few things you need to pay your attention, before submitting your stories. Please go through the following points and make sure that you understand them well.

  1. As the Computational Biology Magazine is a Medium publication, Medium’s Rules and Terms of Service apply to our content.
  2. The stories you publish will be solely owned by you as per the Medium Terms of Service. You are responsible for the content you post. This means that you bear all the risks associated to the accuracy of the content, originality of the work, intellectual property claims or any other legal rights.
  3. We strictly follow the Medium’s Content Guidelines and Medium’s Curation Guidelines for all the articles we publish. If your articles do not meet these guidelines or are not of high quality, we won’t publish them on the Computational Biology Magazine.
  4. You will be able to edit or delete stories at any time, even after the story has been published.
  5. Our editors will moderate your submission before publication and may do minor changes such as fixing spelling mistakes. Personal notes will be placed at relevant sections in your draft if necessary.
  6. If we find any violations of our rules and guidelines, we can remove such content and report them to Medium.

Writing Guidelines

When you start writing a story for the Computational Biology Magazine, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Make sure that your post has a title and a subtitle which gives a brief idea about your story.
  2. Start your story by introducing what you plan to present. You can make it interesting as well. Here is an example.
  3. Formulate your story in to sections with headings and subheadings and make sure that they are coherent.
  4. Pictures speak louder than words. You can add your own images (which were created by you) or use Pixabay or Unsplash.
  5. Use a cover photo that is related with the title of your story.
  6. If you are using others’ content such as images and videos, please make sure that you have the legal right to use them and provide proper acknowledgment to the authors of the original content.
  7. If you are using code in your stories, make sure to use Medium code blocks & inline code or embed GitHub gists.
  8. Provide references to facts where-ever necessary. You can provide links or add a separate section with a list of references.
  9. At the end of your story, add a section to wrap up the article stating a summary and important points.
  10. Add specific tags related to your story so interested readers can find your story easily and we can categorise your story for the relevant audience.
  11. Make sure to proof read your article before submitting.

How to submit your story?

If you are already a writer at the Computational Biology Magazine, you can directly submit your story as a draft to our publication.

If you are not a writer and wish to publish with us, you can send the link of your Medium story to our email address cbm.team.medium@gmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible with further details and comments. Please note that we will not check any articles published outside of Medium.

Once we have reviewed your story, we will publish it in the Computational Biology Magazine and will add you as a contributor.

We have listed a few articles you can check out to get an idea about our writing style.

We look forward to publish your awesome stories!

