17 Days of AI for Good — SDG 4— Quality Education

Each day up until the AI for Good Summit in Geneva on May 15 I’m writing up a thought on how Artificial Intelligence could impact on each UN Sustainable Development Goal.

Mark Crowley
1 min readMay 3, 2018


Goal: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

AI XPRIZE Suggestion: “Virtualized, intelligent mentors and responsive personalized learning is revolutionizing education, and improving participation and outcomes — all powered by AI. Online providers such as Coursera have AI-produced granular information for effective learning. Big data analysis is improv­ing graduation rates of low-income and first-generation college stu­dents by 30%, spotting warning signs before dropout to allow targeted interventions.” — AI XPRIZE

AI For Education

The explosion of Massive Online Open Courses was largely initiated and pushed by the AI and ML research and teaching community. Education and adaptive online tutors have been a focus of HCI research in AI for years. The other suggestions by XPRIZE are very good ones.

New Ideas

How else can AI be used to help Educate the World?

Mark Crowley has no official affiliation with IBM, XPrize, ITU or the UN. The views and opinions expressed here are entirely his own.



Mark Crowley

Assist. Professor in ECE at University of Waterloo — Machine learning — Reinforcement Learning — Waterloo AI Institute — http://waterloo.ai