The Transformative Impact of iPads on 2D and 3D Artists

Zheng Guo
Computer Systems MFACA
5 min readNov 6, 2023

The introduction of the iPad into the world of art has been nothing short of revolutionary. This sleek and versatile tablet has opened up a world of possibilities for artists, both 2D and 3D, by offering a portable, intuitive, and powerful canvas for their creative endeavors. In this blog, we will explore how the iPad is positively impacting 2D and 3D artists, from enhancing their creative processes to expanding their artistic horizons.

1. Portability and Applications

One of the most significant ways the iPad has impacted artists is by providing them with unprecedented accessibility and portability. Unlike traditional art supplies or even desktop computers, iPads are compact and lightweight, making them easy to carry anywhere. This mobility enables artists to draw inspiration from their surroundings and turn spontaneous ideas into art. Whether in a coffee shop, park, or even lazy like me — enjoying working in bed, 2D and 3D artists can now work on their projects without being confined to a studio. This freedom to create on the go has been a game-changer for artists.

The availability of a wide range of digital art tools and applications on the iPad has transformed the way artists work. 2D artists can use apps like Procreate and Adobe Fresco to create intricate digital paintings and illustrations with precision and flexibility. These apps provide artists with a similar experience with working on Photoshop, as they provide a multitude of brushes, color palettes, and layers, replicating the experience of working with traditional media while offering the advantages of portability and easy digital sharing.

For 3D artists, apps like Nomad, Cozyblanket, and Procreate have allowed them to craft 3D models and sculptures, Retopology, and texture painting with unprecedented ease. The touch screen and stylus compatibility on iPads offer an intuitive and immersive way to sculpt and manipulate 3D objects. These digital sculpting tools have made the creation of 3D art more accessible and efficient than ever before.

2. Experimentation and Flexibility

One of the most exciting aspects of the iPad’s impact on artists is the newfound freedom to experiment and push creative boundaries. Digital tools allow artists to explore various techniques styles and media without the fear of wasting materials. The ability to instantly erase and modify work encourages artistic exploration, leading to the development of unique and innovative artistic voices.

iPad also has interesting features that help artists like me who are trying out mixing media and styles, I have been enthusiastically experimenting with combining 2D and 3D animation. So in my undergraduate thesis film, with the lidar camera on iPad Pro and the 3D scanner app, I was able to scan 3D assets and put them into my 2D animation. Then I used the visual cam app to simulate a handheld camera, it was enjoyable to work with.

3. Cost-Effectiveness and Environmental Sustainability

Traditional art materials, such as paints, canvases, and sculpting materials, can be costly. In contrast, iPads, once acquired, become a cost-effective platform for artists. While there is an initial investment, the long-term savings are significant. Digital art eliminates the need for replenishing supplies, making it a more sustainable and budget-friendly choice for artists, particularly for emerging talents who may not have the financial resources for traditional mediums.

The iPad’s influences are not only limited to a personal level; it also contributes to environmental sustainability. By reducing the need for physical art materials, artists who adopt digital methods are helping to minimize the environmental impact associated with art production. This aligns with the growing awareness of environmental issues and the desire for more eco-friendly practices in art.

4. Collaboration and Connectivity

The iPad has also enhanced collaboration and connectivity within the art community. Artists can now easily share their work, collaborate on projects, and receive feedback from peers and mentors. Social media platforms and art-specific communities have made it possible for artists to connect with a global audience. This digital connectivity not only fosters a sense of community among artists but also provides opportunities for exposure and recognition.

Certainly, the iPad cannot fully replace PCs and traditional art forms for all artists due to :

  • Complex Professional Requirements: For certain artists, especially those involved in complex professional work such as high-end 3D modeling and rendering, the capabilities of an iPad may fall short. Professional 3D work demands high computational power, which may not be achievable with an iPad.
  • Software and Application Limitations: Although there are excellent drawing and creative apps available for iPads, some professional software applications can only run on PCs or Macs. This means that, in some cases, artists need to rely on a PC for their work.
  • Uniqueness of Traditional Art Materials: Traditional painting and sculpting materials possess unique textures and expressive qualities that are difficult to fully replicate in the digital realm. Some artists prefer the tactile experience and creative feel of traditional media.


The iPad’s integration into the world of art has unleashed a wave of creativity, enabling both 2D and 3D artists to thrive in numerous ways. Although the iPad still has its limitations and can not entirely replace PC or traditional painting, Its accessibility, digital tools, cost-effectiveness, and opportunities for collaboration and experimentation have revolutionized the artistic landscape. Moreover, the iPad fosters environmental sustainability by reducing the need for traditional art supplies. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more profound and positive impacts on the art world, solidifying the iPad as an indispensable tool for artists around the globe. Whether you are a digital artist or a traditional artist looking to expand your horizons, the iPad offers an exciting and transformative journey of artistic exploration.

