Starting out on my new computer course

Back to basics

Jan Rose
Computer Systems Technology


I recently applied for a course in computer technology and received my letter of offer in the post this week. To be honest I am scared at the challenges ahead in the course, in particular coding. I qualified in HTML and Web Design about fourteen years ago but when I looked at the subjects to be undertaken in the course, knowledge of intermediate level HTML and object-oriented language is assumed. I can’t bluff my way so I now have to quickly do some revision of basic HTML, CSS and javascript or I will be behind the 8 ball before I even start in a few weeks time.

I have an appointment booked next Tuesday at the College for my pre- course counselling session and am going to ask if I can select electives in the basics before I attempt the intermediate level subjects. Otherwise I will be studying day and night to catch up with the other students.

My track record of University studies is checkered to say the least. Whenever I failed a subject I would switch to another major or discipline but I don’t think that is an option in the specialised subject of computer systems technology. Another lesson for me I guess, this time I have to knuckle down and stick with the program and not give up.

I will endeavor to keep posting in this Collection of my progress along the way and hopefully manage to add another qualification to my resume.



Jan Rose
Computer Systems Technology

I have a Bachelor of Business degree and a Master of IT. I am a writer. Author of My Jasmime Rose and Angelina Grey and the Journey through Time and Space