Artificial Intelligence

Dishant Rathi
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018

What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

AI, described under Computer Systems which are programmed to perform or learn to perform various tasks normally, otherwise, performed by human intelligence. Many Apps and Software are already in use, making our lives easier by doing difficult jobs for human topology, based on acquired intelligence. The scope and potential of AI are limitless in the futuristic world. While the full evolution of AI can open up a world of incredible opportunities, a fear fostered by few in the scientific world is that a fully developed AI would be capable of thinking differently than human-beings and would gradually start doing things in its own manner, getting out of our control.

Present Research On AI: Are We Going On The Wrong Way?

Many blockbuster sci-fi movies in this theme, have been made like Star Wars, Terminator, Robot etc. These fears could be a reality if Artificial Intelligence development is not subjected to certain regulations, checks, and balances. Companies like Uber, Tesla etc.; are already working on auto-pilot cars controlled by AI, that can run from point to point, negotiating hurdles en-route taking instant decisions on their own to ensure safe journey of its passengers.

In another interesting incident, Microsoft was forced to shut down its Chatbot named ‘Tay’, within 16 hours of launching it in March 2016 after ‘Tay’ became naughty and quickly learned and tweeted ‘offensive material’, to the utter bewilderment of its creators.

However, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, still remains very optimistic about Artificial Intelligence. On July 23, he remarked-” I am optimistic, And I think people who are naysayers and try to drum up these doomsdays scenarios- I just don’t understand it.”

Due to bad effects, FaceBook shut down one of its advanced AI programmes, apparently because things “went out of control “ with two Chatbots ( chatting Robots) that had started to talk to each other in an alien language, humans could not understand. Unveiling the programme in June 2017, FaceBook had said these AI chatbots could create their own sentences and did not have to stick to a script.

Later on a FB post Zuckerberg Exclaiming-” One reason I’m so optimistic about AI is that improvements in basic research improve systems across so many different fields- from diagnosis of diseases to keep us healthy, to improving self- driving cars to keep us safe, and from showing you better content in News Feed to delivering you more relevant search results”.

It’s worth listening to what ‘Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking’ had told BBC in 2014-” the development of full Artificial Intelligence could spell the end of the human race”.

It’s a matter of time, anyway, robots and AI are scheduled to take on most of the middle- class tasks, making millions of people jobless, a repetition of Industrial Revolution which swept over the world bringing great famines and economic depressions, initially, before it became the engine of development and economic growth.

The brighter side is, AI can help identify diseases much better, faster and be a boon in medical research. Actually, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Samsung — all IT giants are relying on AI to upgrade their products.


The worst nightmare of a future world is the creation of a new- age ‘Frankenstein’ robot monster, a super-intelligent entity that is beyond human control and is scheming to take control of mankind. Though it looks like a sci-fi movie theme (Chitti — From ROBOT), we may have to take this threat seriously. Man playing the role of a creator could be a dangerous game since the rules of the game are unknown to us and still a mystery.

A safer proposal is suggested by the scientist community- Invest our energies in creating a wrap-up artificial intelligence which can be installed into the human body, to enhance the human brain capacity, so that man is in control of the AI — ‘Humanoids’ could be the future of mankind.

Design Your Own AI in python

Link :
1. J.A.R.V.I.S — Just A Rather Very Intelligent System
2. Personal Assistant (Jarvis) in Python
3. AI in Python — DIY



Dishant Rathi

20, Freelancer Web Developer, Coder, Techno Geek & Blog Writer. Website :