Cracking MD5 Passwords with

1 min readNov 28, 2015


The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value, Md5 is an encryption that cannot be reversed, the only successful way to find out the content of a MD5 hash, is by running a brute force attack.

Law enforcement agencies (and anti-terrorism agencies) from time to time need to crack MD5 hashes. Here’s where can help! can distribute a brute force attack against a hash across many CPUs trying every possible alpha-numeric password combination until its hash matches the hash in question.

In the demo below, we used 8 CPU cores to crack ‘54d75975e615f0638b6181592a4d929f’ in less than 3 seconds. The hashed password was ‘heya’ :)




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