Distributed Supercomputer Mesh Network

Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2017


The latest version of computes.io is now available as a true mesh networked, distributed supercomputing platform powered by IPFS! (Note: Internet is optional.) Each node on the mesh network acts as both a core and kernel (more details) — meaning that each node can perform computations for other machines as well as request computations from itself and other machines. Computes.io uses IPFS’ pubsub capabilities to create a signaling and messaging engine for distributing computations across the mesh network to any machine with available resources (more details). The new messaging interface supports broadcasts as well as private messages to other nodes.

As a reminder, computes.io can distribute javascript applications (via text strings, Gist URLs, IPFS hashes, and/or NodeJS NPM modules) and data to any node on the mesh network. Computations consist of realtime requests and/or massively parallel operations — even coordinated binary app executions.

We believe that the simplicity of this new design will generate new software development paradigms for IoT, Machine Learning, AI, etc. For instance, computes.io applications could run “in” the mesh network leveraging any machine with extra computing capacity. The machine requesting the computation could be maxed out on resources allowing other machines in the mesh network to perform computations as needed for itself and other machines. Using computes.io, developers are no longer limited by the capacity or resources of a single machine at any given time. By default, this architecture is highly available and redundant. It can run on the cloud or on-premise or hybrid or on the edge of the network and as a mesh network across all configurations!

Here‘s a video demonstrating how two simple lines of code will turn your existing NodeJS app into a core on your very own mesh networked supercomputer.

Here‘s a video demonstrating how to request computations from itself or other mesh networked supercomputer cores.

Stay tuned for another post on how to use computes.io as a next generation Internet of Things mesh network platform running on an edge network…




Builder of companies, robots, supercomputers, & motorcycles. @xrpanet & @twelephone CEO. Formerly @magicleap @computesio @citrix @octoblu @nodester @teleku