Infrastructureless Computing

Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2018

By now you have probably heard about the new serverless mega-trend but have you heard about the next infrastructureless computing yet?

“Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity. It is a form of utility computing.” — Wikipedia

Serverless computing services are offered by cloud vendors such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Functions, IBM OpenWhisk (now Cloud Functions), and others. It’s a great shift for developers from managing VMs like EC2 to simply deploying code to the cloud and no worrying about scale. The billing model is also more appealing — pay-only-for-what-you-use.

There are a few drawbacks to serverless architectures as covered in Rohit Akiwatkar’s DZone article; however, the biggest problem IMO is vendor lock-in. Developers must select a cloud platform vendor and deploy their serverless functions a prescribed manner for the specific cloud. These “apps” cannot easily be ported easily to other cloud vendors at will.

It is interesting to see these cloud vendors starting to “ship” appliances such as AWS Greengrass for running your serverless apps on-premise on their servers. Think about that comment for a minute…

What if we told you that you can run distributed functions and algorithms anywhere and anytime without selecting a cloud vendor and without purchasing and deploying one of their appliances? What if we told you that you could run the same function or algorithm in all of the cloud platforms and on-premise, on your existing infrastructure (servers and workstations)?

Computes, inc. has built the world’s first decentralized, distributed mesh computer! A very small nanocore software cell gets deployed to all of your servers and workstations to form a private mesh network behind your firewalls. This nanocore cell harnesses all of your computers’ idle CPUs and GPUs to form a single mesh computer capable of exascale supercomputing power with no additional hardware or costs (other than our pay-as-you-go computes electricity).

Since Computes is decentralized, it can run across all servers, workstations, mobile devices, and IoT devices connected to its private mesh network — no additional servers or infrastructure required to deploy or manage to your new mesh computer. Everything computes everywhere!

Computes can even run inside of AWS Lambda and Azure Functions making it easy to dynamically run any computes computation without going through the configuration setup steps for each function.

Interested in learning more about our ground-breaking mesh computing technology, simply contact us ( for more details.

Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting information about our new technology stack and development progress! You can also reach us on Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub.




Builder of companies, robots, supercomputers, & motorcycles. @xrpanet & @twelephone CEO. Formerly @magicleap @computesio @citrix @octoblu @nodester @teleku