Rise of the Mesh Computer

Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2018

We are on the verge of several major technology shifts converging to disrupt everything in computing as we know it today.

Shift 1: Cloud to Edge Computing

Companies have been embracing cloud computing for nearly a decade but it’s currently being disrupted by the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon. Analysts are predicting that there will be 75 billion internet connected devices by 2025. The cloud was not designed for massive sensor data uploads nor was it designed for low-latency, real-time communications. This is the catalyst for all IoT platform vendors racing to release edge computing gateways and appliances to bring more connectivity and computing capabilities to edge networks rather than routing everything through “the cloud”.

Check out this amazing talk by Peter Levine called “The End of Cloud Computing”. He highlights the fact that computations are moving from the cloud to the edge of the networks.

Shift 2: BigData to Artificial Intelligence

The demand for consuming and interacting with live streaming IoT data along with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are now driving a massive shift away from the cloud to edge computing. For example, self-driving vehicles do not have time to stream their sensor data to the cloud and wait for machine learning feedback or driving commands. These self-driving cars are essentially mobile datacenters. The car’s on-board computers are analyzing sensor data in realtime and learning while making control decisions in nanoseconds — no cloud involved.

Shift 3: Centralization to Decentralization

The current value of Bitcoin cryptocurrency has trickled its way into our everyday conversations. At the same time, there is a massive blockchain revolution underway along with controversial net neutrality legislation. These topics are driving the shift to decentralized computing, decentralized web, and decentralized app (DApp) development. Many developers are building next generation decentralized companies and apps that will replace today’s 800-pound gorillas i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, NetFlix, etc.

The Confluence

I was going to call this section the convergence but I believe that confluence is more accurate. Think of it as three streams of water forming a new great river like the Mississippi River!

The confluence of these disparate technology shifts is creating a perfect storm . Like smaller streams merging to form a great river, the confluence of these three drastically different computing shifts are creating the rise of our mesh computer, Computes!

With over 75 billion Internet connected devices expected by 2025, there’s going to be a ton of idle/wasted CPU resources and an insatiable demand for machine learning computes! We are moving into an era of decentralized and distributed computing where everything computes (together) as if they are peer-to-peer (P2P) nodes on a global mesh computer. Decentralized web and decentralized apps (DApps) will run on this new decentralized and distributed mesh computer. IoT devices will be able to self-organize on ad-hoc mesh networks and request and/or perform machine learning computations in realtime without requiring cloud or edge computing infrastructures.

In this new economy, everything computes to form a new worldwide P2P decentralized and distributed mesh computer! Interested in learning what computes.com can do for your business? Contact us at info@computes.com.

Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting information about our new technology stack and development progress! You can reach and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Slack, and GitHub.




Builder of companies, robots, supercomputers, & motorcycles. @xrpanet & @twelephone CEO. Formerly @magicleap @computesio @citrix @octoblu @nodester @teleku