Technology Imitating Nature

Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

Humankind has developed some of its best innovations based on nature including: flight, vaccines, and now computers. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

This is an image of cells undergoing mitosis (splitting).

Computes, inc. has developed the world’s first mesh computer. The concept is simple. Like cells in nature, everything with a CPU and/or GPU can now become a node on the Computes mesh network to work together and form as single computer (or organism). As more nodes attach to the mesh computer, the entire platform becomes faster, more powerful, and more resilient.

Like a living organism, computes is decentralized and basically unstoppable or fault tolerant. Not only can computes run behind your organization’s firewalls but it can be extended to AWS, Azure, Softlayer, and other cloud providers as well as edge networks or within moving vehicles such as self-driving cars, airplanes, drones, and ships or submarines.

Our mesh computer is perfect for bio-science computing such as Parkinson’s and cancer research as well as genomics. It’s like fighting fire with fire!

Other high performance computing use cases include: machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, video rendering, weather predicting, social media mining, cryptocurrency mining, serverless, and even brute-force password cracking for law enforcement agencies.

Computes can “activate” these mesh computers as private mesh networks behind your corporate firewalls leveraging your existing servers, workstations, mobile/IoT devices. No additional infrastructure required.

Computes’ networks are “powered” by cryptocurrency tokens we call c01ns. Our c01ns are tied to “computes per second” calculations (similar to MIPS) and act like computing electricity in your mesh computer. Our tokens are not mined but rather purchased (or traded) for the sole purpose of adding significantly more computational power to existing infrastructure. In fact, you could even chose to donate your idle computing resources or credits to your favorite charity such as Parkinson’s disease or cancer research — even counter cyber terrorism.

Interested in learning more about our ground-breaking mesh computing technology, simply contact us ( for more details.

Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting information about our new technology stack and development progress! You can also reach us on Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub.




Builder of companies, robots, supercomputers, & motorcycles. @xrpanet & @twelephone CEO. Formerly @magicleap @computesio @citrix @octoblu @nodester @teleku