Things Compute!

Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2018

Analysts are predicting 75 BILLION connected devices by 2025. Computes can interconnect these devices to create a single mesh computing ecosystem!

Our team has spent the last 4 years working together to build the Octoblu IoT mesh platform. Octoblu was the first cross-protocol IoT platform designed specifically to allow any device to communicate with any other device regardless of manufacturer or protocol. Octoblu also had an elegant drag and drop automation designer and runtime engine to give anyone the power to automate and control IoT devices in the home, office, or even industrial sites.

Over the last four years, we have disrupted IoT device manufacturer wall gardens and ecosystems and even interconnected disparate IoT platforms such as IBM BlueMix, AWS IoT, Azure IoT, and AT&T M2X platforms. Octoblu, inc. was acquired by Citrix and later open sourced to the community.

We are now refocusing our secure cross-protocol IoT mesh networking experience to building a secure decentralized mesh computing platform. This new work will continue to disrupt the IoT space as well as change cloud computing as we know it today. The cloud was designed for centralization and optimized for download speeds (websites, APIs, data, etc). A new breed of IoT devices are coming to market such as driverless vehicles, drones, robots, etc. These devices are generating more sensor data than cloud upload speeds can handle and they cannot tolerate cloud latency. These devices are now applying machine learning to sensor data flowing through them or near them in realtime. Legacy cloud vendors are now starting to deploy small data centers to the edge networks where these devices are located. We don’t believe that this is the right answer.

With Computes, every machine can now connect, communicate, and compute together as a single mesh computer. Machines simply discover one another and swarm together to create private or public mesh networks. Computes provides a realtime messaging service for allowing IoT devices as well as servers, workstations, and mobile devices to communicate freely with one another (regardless of protocols supported natively). Every machine on the mesh network can both request and perform computations on behalf of the mesh computer.

Since Computes is decentralized, there is no additional infrastructure required to run our mesh computer. Essentially everything computes, everywhere. You simply need to “activate” computes on your devices.

Interested in learning more about our ground-breaking mesh computing technology, simply contact us ( for more details.

Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting information about our new technology stack and development progress! You can also reach us on Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub.




Builder of companies, robots, supercomputers, & motorcycles. @xrpanet & @twelephone CEO. Formerly @magicleap @computesio @citrix @octoblu @nodester @teleku