AWS EC2: Get Started With Bitnami Applications In The AWS Marketplace

Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2019

Step 1: Login to AWS Management Console.

Step 2: Select a region from the drop down.

Step 3: Click EC2 under Compute section. This will take you to EC2 dashboard.

Step 4: Go to marketplace and Search for the Bitnami WordPress Stack by entering the search term “bitnami wordpress” in the search bar at the top.

Step 5: Once you select your desired AMI, select your instance type, this is basically where you decide how much computing power you need to start, since ours is a small application, we shall suffice with the free tier.

Step 6: Configure all the details and then click on add storage.

Step 7: Here you will be configuring your storage devices, once done click on tag instance.

Step 8: Here you will be tagging your instance, this is how your instance will be identified.

Step 9: Now you will be configuring your security group.

Step 10: Check all your settings, once verified launch your instance!

Step 11: Go to Action -> Instance Setting -> Get System Log, then scroll down and copy the password.

Step 11: Open the browser and enter the public IPv4 of the instance.

Step 12: Now Login , the default username is user and paste the password that we copied.

Step 13: Congratulations! you are in admin pannel on EC2 at your service!

