Comsysto Reply at the Terry Fox Run 2019 in Zagreb

Comsysto Reply
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2019

We at Comsysto Reply are committed to fostering the work-life balance of our people. Therefore, in the “life” part of the vision for our colleagues, we constantly try to offer different events they can participate in after a long day of researching about securing your data on apps, taking a break after a successful day of remote work with other teams, or diligently working on a new blog post for our readers with tips on data-altering functions in JavaScript.

Terry Fox Run 2018

For that reason, Comsysto Reply has been engaging in different social events in Munich and Zagreb for many years. We find it important to provide our colleagues with opportunities to invest their time and donations in good causes if they feel like it. Thus, we love organising (and taking part in) our traditional summer teambuilding events in Croatia or Austria, visiting conferences all around Europe or being involved in volunteer work.

Terry Fox Run 2019

A few years back, Comsysto Reply started participating in the annual Terry Fox Run in Zagreb organised by the Terry Fox Foundation. In order to raise awareness and funds for cancer research, once again we’ve joined hundreds of people in running or walking around the Jarun lake in Zagreb for the Terry Fox Run 2019.

The Terry Fox Foundation has been working hard on achieving the goals Terry set when he started the Marathon of Hope. In this mission, the Terry Fox Foundation is joined by the Terry Fox Research Institute and thousands of communities all over the world, united in reaching one vision — a world without cancer.

