IdeaFuse 2018 Activity Report

Published in
1 min readMay 12, 2018

IdeaFuse is one of several competitive programming competitions in Indonesia which held by STMIK-STIE Mikroskil. ACM-ICPC Multi-Provincial Programming Contest was a part of IdeaFuse. There are at least two teams from COMTRAN that participated this year and one of them became a finalist. They are KatanyaMabaGabolehNgegas and RakyatTidakOsjur.

The qualification round was held on 6th May, 2018. There are eight problems with alphabetic label that wait to be solved. At most, we solved five of eight problems. As far we know, the problems all are about greedy, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, sorting, tree, (potentially) dynamic programming, and several hard problem that we still wonder its solution. By this result, one of us officially became a finalist. However, we are not going to a final since we are quite busy to build and preparing COMTRAN recruitment for the next competition.

