Why Cashew is the real deal now?

The awesome thing about Cashew is that it is an easy nut to crack, whether you’re chewing it or trying to invest in it. We enjoy the fleshy, juicy apple-like part and the nuts can also be eaten as a snack. It is a massive export commodity for Nigeria; this and more is why we stan this versatile nut!

ComX Stories
4 min readMar 27, 2023


Last year we discussed the benefits of cashing in on the Spot Cashew listed on the Exchange, which was traded on ComX. This year, we are excited to announce that the Cashew season is back, and this is the ripe opportunity to cash in on the commodity again.

You can now trade the Spot Cashew nuts on your ComX app. It provides a great opportunity for you to diversify your portfolio, hedge against inflation, and boost your profit.

Basic Facts about Cashew

Raw cashew nuts are grown in large quantities in West Africa and are a major export commodity in the agricultural sector. Juices, syrups, preserves, and even liquor is derived from the Apple. Still, the main commercial use is the Cashew nut as an ingredient in cereal, confectionery, and ready meals.

Cashews have the highest nutritional value of zinc and copper compared to other nuts. Additionally, it contains minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins in cashews.

Why you should invest in Cashew.

  • Commodities are the best-known hedge against inflation

In recent times, we have all been feeling the brunt of the rising inflation of food prices. We consume and live healthily by consuming food, so any hike in the price of food items in the market will influence even the smallest of households. However, commodities are the only major asset class to provide a hedge against inflation.

Also, most of these agricultural commodities are seasonal. This implies that when they are in the peak harvest season, the commodity’s price is lower than in other seasons. For instance, Cashew ripens by February, March, April, and May, and that’s it for the season. It has a short window for investors to enter and exit the market.

This knowledge has guided many Investors to date; it gives an idea of how commodities may perform regardless of how other demand/supply factors affect the price.

  • It provides an opportunity for capital appreciation as you buy low and sell high.

From the previous paragraph, you can see that Cashew is a short-term commodity, which means units of Cashew bought between this window (February, March, and April) will be bought at a lower price and can be sold for higher prices in the other months.

  • It is an export crop that attracts foreign buyers.

Cashew is a major export crop with increased demand in the international market. The demand for Cashew nuts is on a daily increase and the global Cashew market is projected to register a compound annual growth rate of 4.6% during 2021–2026, proving that the Cashew business is good.

How did Cashew perform these past years?

In Q3, 2022 Cashew nuts export stood at N10.43 billion, representing 12.3% of the total agricultural export.

Also, in the same year, Nigeria generated over $ 250 million, accounting for about 10% of the country’s agricultural export. According to The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Mohammad Mahood Abubakar, the cashew export is expected to fetch Nigeria about $ 500 million by 2023.

Spot Cashew Performance on ComX

Historically, there is always an uptick in the price of Cashew commodities between February and March of every trading season, and the peak price of Cashew is in March. During this period, when Cashew experiences an uptick in price and trade activities, it has historically offered returns between 10–15% on the ComX app between 2021 and 2022.

How to trade Cashews on ComX

To Access the ComX app, Find the Android App here. Find the iOS App here Or Sign Up at comx.afexnigeria.com.

To trade in spot commodities like Cashew, where you can enter and exit the market at any time, access our range of resources from price tickers to reports and weekly updates on our website and social media pages (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) to stay in the loop.

· Click on “Trades” on the home page.

· Click on “Market” to view different commodities available.

Scroll to find the listed “Cashew contract.”

· And buy as many quantities as you want.

Buy as many units of Cashew as you want and watch your portfolio grow.



ComX Stories

AFEX’s infrastructure and platforms drive capital to build a trust economy in Africa’s commodity markets.